Old Hickory vs. Russell Green River?

Henry Beige

Gold Member
Jun 1, 2015
Although I have been well satisfied with my Old Hickory Knives, I have never tried a Green River. They have a number of similar patterns, and would appear to have similar production values. Is there any reason to prefer one over the other?

Disclaimer: this post is not a troll, but it is the product of idle musing prompted by recent discussion.
Get both, they are really perhaps the best deals for real working knives out there.

I like the 5" Green River 4215 quite a lot, having carried the 7" Ontario butcher knife for years. The Russell is shorter and thinner (but took less work to get a good sharp edge, since it was thinner). I use both in the field, but carry the Green River and leave the Ontario in camp. The smaller size makes a difference in ease of carry.

BTW, Kabar makes sheaths that fit each of these like a glove.
Full flat grind or saber grind, that is the question.
I prefer the grind of the Green River but the patterns of Old Hickory. Both are very good slicers though, and I have both in my kitchen.
I've used both and it's a toss up imho. Both USA made, both 1095 (or something very close) both make great project knives. This is a Green River Sheep Skinner that I modified. The sheep skinner is one of the thicker Green Rivers at 1/8"

And an Old Hickory slicing knife modified into a drop point
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More info please? Got specifics?
Sure thing. The Kabar 1256s 5 1/4" sheath fits the 5" Green River 4215 very well, while the 7" Old Hickory 7025 butcher knife is a great match for the 1217I sheath.

The shorter Kabar sheath was originally for the MkI Navy Deck Knife, while the longer one was made for the USMC fighting knife.
Scrteened Porch: Hammer dings? Do you refer to the embossed pattern on the flat if the blade?

Bartleby: Thanks, very helpful. I did get the 7” OH and sheath for my son a few months ago, and was thinking about one for myself. Now I have to consider the Green River as well.

Solphilos: Ah, so. Very helpful. Thank you.

Creaky Bones: I like what you did with the sheep skinner. Very nice.
Bartleby: Thanks, very helpful. I did get the 7” OH and sheath for my son a few months ago, and was thinking about one for myself. Now I have to consider the Green River as well.

I had a Green River in the 80's that I gifted to a hunting buddy. I had thought they were discontinued, but this is not the case. Grabbed a new one earlier this year. Finding out the short sheath works well was the icing on the cake. Both patterns are real classics, going well back into the 19th century (the Green River knife is perhaps the record holder for factory made knife with longest period of production by one company in the USA. The Ontario butcher knife design goes back to Sheffield butcher patterns from the 18th century). I have carried the Ontario knife in the KaBar sheath since the late 80's and really like it as well. It sure has outlasted the fancy knives of my hunting buddies. Come to think of it, we all carry one of the two choices you have now. I guess we don't have to be concerned with tools as status symbols now that we are older, we just like what works.

It is also nice that the combination of a good knife and sheath can be had for around twenty five bucks!
Scrteened Porch: Hammer dings? Do you refer to the embossed pattern on the flat if the blade?
Yup. It wasn't just OH, though. Utica, Ecko, Forgecraft, even Case, made carbon blades we were supposed to think were superior to stainless because they had dents in them. Still fine knives, mind you. The Uticas are some of the hardest blades I've ever sharpened.
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Anyone ever heard of R.Murphey knives ?
They have Similar US made old school carbon steel knives.
They seem to offer everything from kitchen cutlery to special purpose cutting tool much like OKC does.
Anyone ever heard of R.Murphey knives ?
They have Similar US made old school carbon steel knives.
They seem to offer everything from kitchen cutlery to special purpose cutting tool much like OKC does.
Never heard of them, so I just googled. Quite a range- who knew there were so many shoe knives?
(I think I have one on my work bench.) And if I hadn't just bought a Yukon belt knife, I'd be looking seriously at Murphy's "skinner".
I had old Hickory knifes since the 1970's and I got a OLD green river skinner I got in a estate sale a a Jr high boy!
I had old Hickory knifes since the 1970's and I got a OLD green river skinner I got in a estate sale a a Jr high boy!
They are both nearly perfect minimalist designs. That is why they have been around for so long. It is hard to improve on "just right."
This thread was timely! I've been trying to decide on another project blade between these two and have been struggling. I'm leaning towards GR though!
The responses have piqued my curiosity just enough to order the Green River
4 1/2” fish and hunting knife. Perhaps not the best comparison with the OH 14” Elstin Limehouse barbecue knife, but I should be able to learn something.
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That's another I don't know (I'd never heard of the cartouche). Or is it the one shaped like a broad-pointed butcher?