PGA#4 for 2/17 -- HIKK supergiveaway.

We better outlaw icepicks.

When I was little and had learned a little about heat treating(actually about as much as I know now :eek:) , I tryed to temper a coat hanger over a candle using a cup of water for the quench and was relatively successful.

But still I was never even close to the quality of a $2 ice pick. :rolleyes:
anyone ever heard of "jinglees"(sp?). Sharpened bicycle spokes with fins on one end. You shoot them out of a small diameter pipe that has slingshot bands attached to it. Supposedly will penetrate damn near all the way through someone:eek: Dip the jinglee in the Charpi and they're all done:barf: :eek:
If you dipped it in the BirGorkha charpi there would be nothing left.

How is it we always get back to that filthy abominable place? Just the thought makes me gag.:barf: :barf: :barf:
How is it we always get back to that filthy abominable place? Just the thought makes me gag

Sorry Uncle:eek: I didn't mean THE charpi, I meant any area where similiar materials are deposited. I had read that that was sometimes done to increase the lethality of the Jinglees.
That's ok, Rob. It's lunchtime here and that thought will help me cut down on food intake considerably. I could stand to lose 5 or 10 pounds.
I didn't mean THE charpi, I meant any area where similiar materials are deposited

For reasons better known to others, this subject and confusion like that quoted above, seem a common thread feature. Subject to Beo's approval I humbly suggest the following linguistic convention:

BirGhorki depository--Charpi (always capitalized)

generic depository--charpi (never capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence.

An appropriate analogy in common use is Devil versus devil, where the former refers to the one being who is The Supreme Embodiment of All Evil, while the uncapitalized form refers to a much lesser, subordinate being, or one who may merely bear some resemblence to The Supreme Evil One.

If added emphasis is needed (unlikely, from what I gather) this form may be used:

The Charpi, where the first letter of "the" is also capitalized.

I firmly believe that this will provide for better communication, and eliminate this distressingly common source of confusion.
Nice thought and good idea and many thanks but for me I don't think it will work.

When I hear vampire I think of Dracula. When I hear charpi I think of the BirGorkha Charpi.

Come to think of it I'd rather meet up with the Count than take a trip to the BirGorkha Charpi.
Well, I tried...

what's that old bit of useless advice???
oh, yeah....

TRY not to think about it:D :D :D
Originally posted by firkin

TRY not to think about it:D :D :D

What may be an interesting experiment one of these days when Bro (Uncle Bill) least expects it is for several of us to get together and drop him an e-mail message so he will get them all 1st thing in the morning.

The subject line would read,,,,,,
"Do Not Think of The BirGhorka Charpi Today!!!!"

One of the most common things for people to do is to do just the exact opposite of what they were told Not To Do!!!!:D
This is absolutely prevalent among us Indins and I understand it's the same for Italians as well.
Double Whammmy all at once and with Bro (Uncle Bill) in an Absolutely Guaranteed Exceptional "MOOD" all the rest of the day!!!!!!!;) :eek: :p :rolleyes: :D

The BirGorkha Charpi came closer to putting me down than a heart attack. That should give you some idea about its potency.