Pix and six blems for10/2


Himalayan Imports Owner ~ himimp@aol.com
Apr 5, 2005
17.5 inch 24 ounce Tin Chirra by Thamar. Satisal wood handle. Super sharp edge! Split sheath. Great value at $77. *SOLD*


L to r

16.5 inch 22 ounce villager fit and finish father's military replica knife by Ram Kumar. Leather sheath. Very slight shrinkage of satisal wood handle. $85. *SOLD*

12 inch 13 ounce Pachthar by Manoj. Water buffalo bone handle. Wooden sheath. 20 minutes worth of rust removal time on blade. Fine deal at $59. *SOLD*


L to r

17 inch 17 ounce Sirupati by Ram Kumar. Leather sheath. Hairline crack on satisal wood handle. Lite and fast knife for $70. *SOLD*

15 inch 23 ounce Ang Khola by Krishna Kami. Five minutes worth rust on blade and few hairline crack on satisal wood handle. $70. *SOLD*

15 inch 20 ounce British Armey Service Knife by Purna. Satisal wood handle. Leather sheath. Fifteen minutes worth of rust removal time on blade. Huge saving for first time HI Knife buyer at $89. *SOLD*


Email to himimp@aol.com to get any or all
First come first served
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EMS for 17.5 inch 24 ounce Tin Chirra by Thamar.

Got the Done Deal. :)

The split sheath is no problem. There are many ways to "unsplit" it.

I had to unsplit my thumb a few days ago. I was cutting a piece of wood on my table saw in a manner that is unorthodox, to say the least. One of those "don't try this at home" techniques where the saw blade was not visible from above. Pushing the wood with my thumb, I thought it was in a safe place, but the bottom of the saw blade was much closer than I thought, as I found out the hard way.

It made a nice gash about 3/4" from the tip of my thumb. I don't know how deep it was, because I didn't take time to measure. Not wanting to disrupt my day by going for stitches, I applied some antibiotic ointment and wrapped the gash tightly in bandages. That stopped the bleeding, but it took three days to heal. Still a little painful. I did periodic inspections to make sure there was no sign of infection.

It's surprising how hard it is to do routine things, such as tying shoelaces, without the use of one thumb, but I got through it. I've had the table saw for many years and this is the first time I've cut myself on it. Lucky I didn't lose the thumb. Table saws have no sense of loyalty.
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EMS 15 inch 20 ounce British Armey Service Knife by Purna. Satisal wood handle. Leather sheath. Fifteen minutes worth of rust removal time on blade. Huge saving for first time HI Knife buyer at $89.
Ya beat me David! Grats. That was a deal thats hard to beat. That Pachthar looks tempting at that price too!
Me and my table saw never seem to see eye to eye, seems to try and hurt me everytime I turn it on. Usually on the simplest little cuts too.
No sense of loyalty.
EMS for 17 inch 17 ounce Sirupati by Ram Kumar. Leather sheath. Hairline crack on satisal wood handle. Lite and fast knife for $70.
EMS for:
12 inch 13 ounce Pachthar by Manoj. Water buffalo bone handle. Wooden sheath. 20 minutes worth of rust removal time on blade. Fine deal at $59.
17 inch 17 ounce Sirupati by Ram Kumar. Leather sheath. Hairline crack on satisal wood handle. Lite and fast knife for $70.
15 inch 23 ounce Ang Khola by Krishna Kami. Five minutes worth rust on blade and few hairline crack on satisal wood handle. $70.

OK, I see C chucknoll beat me to the suripati

I just came back to see if anyone emsd for the "12 inch 13 ounce Pachthar by Manoj. Water buffalo bone handle", I'm glad you did, saved my hide.

I haven't heard back from Yangdu, so I'm wondering if my emails are not getting to her?
Got the DD! Thanks, cul.

P.S. Since the suripati was already spoken for, I picked up the 16.5 inch 22 ounce villager fit and finish father's military replica knife, too.