Police Find An Alternate Use for the O Bokken

Jan 28, 2007
I thought this was pretty cool and worth sharing here. Apparently several mounted police units have adopted Cold Steel O Bokkens for use in riot control. Clever, and I'm guessing effective!



Effective, but it looks out of place! I think the horses approve.
Looks like the carrying of such items isn't new, but the CS ones should have advantages (durability and resistance to elements) over the wood ones seen below. :thumbsup:

I hope they gave them some training on the proper use. More effective from a horse than a baton?
Let's all imagine a full cavalry charge at some ANTIFA (?) protesters with those bokkens out. Ah...........
The cowboy hat, and samurai sword looks pretty funny. I don't think the Philly mounted cops will be adopting this O bokken any time soon. That being said, I think these are more appropriate tools than large wooden batons. I am all for NOT fracturing the skulls, and other bones of "rioters/protesters".
It's length means that you can reach hands grabbing at the bit and bridle. It's inexpensive, tough and durable so it can be dropped from height with little damage.
The greater length means a mounted officer can actually hit something besides a walker's head, even if striking cross-body. That would make it paradoxically less lethal than a shorter baton that could only effectively be aimed at a head, while anybody that shortens the gap too far is going to learn that body-checking a horse is a losing proposition.
I'm sure each department has their own policy but my local PD can only use them to prevent people from grabbing the horse during crowd control.