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POLL! New Concept Sheath With Or Without Magnets?

Magnets or Keeper Strap?

  • Magnets

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keeper Strap

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Jul 18, 2006
First, a quick thanks to those that responded to the thread listed below about the new concept sheath (I guess I had better come up with a name for it soon!) I think I got enough good feedback to continue refining the design. Personally, I like it better than anything else I have done.


Now I would appreciate it if those same folks and anyone else who wants to chime in respond to this thread if they would.

As some of you are probably aware, I have been using hidden rare earth magnets for retention in most of my sheaths for years and it works very well and I've never had a complaint about anyone losing their knife or anything negative at all about them for that matter. There is the possibility that the blade could become slightly magnetized but I consider that a non-issue myself. After all, magnets have been used to hold professional chef's knives for a long time.

Anyhoo, I was messing around with the NMSFNO knife & sheath today and to my surprise I was able to get the magnets working well in the new concept sheath style and really like the way it holds the knife and still draws easily (although the leg-strap would make deploying the knife somewhat easier).

So finally... the big question - which is your preference for this sheath? Hidden magnets (and I mean you'll never even see them) or a keeper strap? I plan on probably offering both but am curious as to you guy's preferences. I took the pic below using a sloppy fitting trial sheath so the ONLY thing holding the knife in is the magnets.

Thanks guys!

Could you please explain how this is spam? I'm merely asking for personal preferences and it is for a Busse knife. Maybe it's just that you make Kydex sheaths?
I vote for less SPAM, there is a sheath forum......

That wasnt very nice.:(

I think having options is a great idea so my opinion would be to offer both. I like the look of the keeper but if you plan on using the knife alot and resheathing alot the magnets would be great I assume.

Anyway I think it a great sheath and your work is outstanding and I am glad to have another quality sheathmaker to choose from.

Just my .02
Another vote for both. Some guys just arent comfortable with just magnets and will also want a strap, and some just dont like the magnets.
I vote that it be made to accommodate both on the same sheath. you could do a snap on both sides so that the person could take the strap off if they didn't like it and go all magnets. maybe a recessed snap on the back side to keep it flat against the body?

I'm not sure if that is possible though. if I had to choose one or the other, I'd personally go with a strap, but I do like seeing new idea's put into production.
The magnet thing is kind of cool...? I would like to see a completed sheath. I dont think I would pay extra for this option as a strap is preety easy to snap off.. I guess I am on the fence on this one, the magnets look like they hold pretty darn well though.
Thanks for the input so far.

Steelnut - "I was just wondering if you actually like your Busse knives?
I only see you post about your sheaths"

Well I do make my living as a leathersmith. I'm brand new to the Busse family but yes, I do like the few knives I own very much! That's why I chose them to make my sheaths for!?!?
Well, I'll put in my two cents even though it doesn't answer your question. I'm a purist and would love to see some of your pure leather sheaths offered on your site. That would make the cost affordable to me, and also I don't like too much fancy stuff with mine.

Steelnut--go easy on the guy, man. He's a friend of a longtime forum member, he's new around here, and he's developing lots of cool new ideas for Busse sheaths. Maybe his ideas aren't new and you guys have thought of them, or maybe the other sheath makers try to not post so much sheath-related stuff here, but so far, I like that he's asking for feedback on what we want, and posting pics of his ideas. I wish we had more sheath brainstorming on this forum, I think folks like it. I'm just glad a talented sheathmaker takes an interest in Busse knives! We should be welcoming this guy and thanking him, not running him out the door.
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Most of the people who sell sheaths here are madly passionate about Busse knives.
Most of them were BIG fans way before they became sheath makers.
The LOVE of the blades made them spend their time here.....

I look through this guys posts and don't see a single WOW, got a BUSSE today!!!:eek::eek:
No HOLY CRAP this knife is BADASS!!
I don't even see a single line about the knives:confused::confused:

Every post made is about his product, This is why I am calling it SPAM
might as well advertise some tennis shoes.....
Interesting comments so far!

Chuddy Bear - I appreciate your input and want you to know that I have looked at a lot of your work and am very impressed not only with the quality but with the sheer volume as well! Where do you find the time with a full time job in law enforcement? It's starting to give me a complex! :eek:

Balislinger - All I can say is thanks for that my friend. I will definitely take a hint though and any future posts I may make on the forum about my sheaths will be on the sheath forum. My first post was actually on the sheath forum and I was told by a long time forumite that I should post here. Now I'm being told the opposite. :confused: I'm still learning what is kosher and what isn't on these forum thingies. ;)

I carry too much kit (compass/electronics/credit cards) that are affected by magnets. And like to keep the sheath as uncomplicated as possible! Another thing, when screwing around with metal, I hate it when my knife attracts small parts or bits, due to being magnetized. Thanks.

I know my site says I do this part time, but I spend more time on leather each week than I do at my real job. It is great to have a hobby that I truly enjoy. I am also a bit of a workaholic. :D

I dont see why this post is out of line. I and other sheath makers have posted new concepts here in order to get feedback. I dont have much free time to do much posting and almost instant feedback from you guys is greatly appeciated.

Also right back at you. I have checked your site out and you are doing some outstanding work brother!!!!!

As to rare earth magnets...these are not your grandmothers refrigerator magnets. If you have never played with these things they are truly amazing. The bigger ones come with a warning about getting your skin caught between them. A 1/8 X 1/2 inch disc shaped magnet has over 19 pounds of pulling force. A 1 inch by 1/8 inch disc has over 71 pounds of pulling force.
I tried magnets in a sheath quite a while ago and thought it was a great idea.
Then in an unrelated incident, my ipod got too close to a rare earth magnet and was complete fried. Wouldn't turn on, wouldn't play was just dead in the water.

Makes me think that rare earth magnets, as cool as they are, would be a hazard to electronics like GPS's and man your compass would go nuts if you crouched to do map work and rested the compass to close to a sheath with a magnet..

Just my .02 but having seen what these can do, I am careful with them.

Also I have pinched my skin in between two and yeowch!! blood blister... :eek:
I think I would like to see both incorperated into one sheath . That way you could undo the keeper strap if you anticipated needing your blade quickly or if you where working with it in and out of the sheath it would still be secure. Then when you needed max retention use the keeper. So my vote goes for both on one sheath. I have never laid my GPS on one to see if there would be a problem but have used GPS's with one of Richard's sheaths on and in my kit and never had a problem. As for a compass you would have to be a little cautious I imagine. I have an old hand held GPS and a few compasses when I get a chance I will play around with them and see what happens.

As for this not being in the right place I am the one that told Richard to post here I believe that people would be interested in Richard's high quality work. I know I am.
When does some one have to oooh and aaah over every knife to be a part of this community. He obviously likes Busse's enough to be buying them and tailoring his work to them. Running Viagra adds is spaming not asking opinions to dial in a better prouduct that we will all reap the benifits of if we choose to. I call that prouduct developement and I like it.
Makes me think that rare earth magnets, as cool as they are, would be a hazard to electronics like GPS's and man your compass would go nuts if you crouched to do map work and rested the compass to close to a sheath with a magnet..

Just my .02 but having seen what these can do, I am careful with them.

I think that is an excellent point. Especially if you magnetized your knife over a period of time and lashed it to your pack by your compass. That could screw your compass up on short order.

An easy to imagine scenario: out on a long trek, up first thing in the morning before doing the last 8 - 10 miles. Eating some ibuprofin (uhh... I mean breakfast) and sipping some coffee and the bottom falls out of a quick burst of rain. Everything is thrown in the big bin of the pack, all of it. It would be pretty easy to get those rare earth magnets right next to a piece of sensitive equipment.

And Rawhide, you noticed that steelnut called you out. He probably won't rest until he sees a pic of your knife. As a friendly recommendation, next time to post here, please gush like a school girl at a Jonas Brothers concert about the first time you held your Busse, the first date, the first kiss, and the first night you spent with your knife to make him happy.

A little dirt on the blade might make it more authentic.

Or you could find a day he isn't drinking.

I'd still feel more secure with a strap, but this is a pretty cool concept. Might work out great for smaller knives like the GW, AD, etc.
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