Press finished, kinda

Dec 4, 2001
I finaly finished my press, well still waiting on motor from Harbor Frieght and need to make a front latch for the dies and need to make lots more dies. I've got flating and extream drawing dies made rite now, and a 1 horse 1700rpm motor on it to test it out. I'm only putting up barrely 1000 psi rite now, but it was enough to forge out two damascus blades. I don't think the press will replace my love for a hammer, but on damascus it looks like I'm gonna love it.


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Looks good, Will! Surely a good thing to have for damascus. Changes a lot!

If I might make a suggestion, consider putting some type of shroud over your exposed pump and lower lines so slag flying off billets doesn't land on them. :)

Have fun!
Very nice, hope it works out well, looks like it'll squish serious steel :D

Larry T
hey when you're done with that can you put one together for me?
looking good buddy. now where are the damascus pics? i hope it works out well man, presses may not be flashy and fun like hammers, but they sure as hell move some steel and make damascus easy. good luck with it:thumbup:
Did you use the spread sheet I sent you for the Hydraulics??? Nice job!!!!:thumbup:
The bottom cross beam is going to take alot of pressure. You may want to think about a upright I beam to support it. Just A thought. I know scary.HEHEHEHEHE!!
:thumbup: Pretty sweet press will.I'm glad to see stuf like this here.Sooner or later i'm gonna build a press,and the information thats shared on this forum is priceless for such a project.If i start scrounging i can get enough iron to build a press,its the hydraulics that will cost me.
Thanks guys, IG you were a BIG help with the parts list and such, made life a lot easier.

I do plan on putting a shroud over the motor and suction line, along with screwing hose clips to the frame to make the plumbing a little neater. Sometime aloung the way it'll get a paint job also. Once I get the motor mounted I'll have to wire it and put a decent 220v switch on also.

I don't think I'll have a problem with the lower suport, it's 4"x1" flat bar horizontal welded into the uprites which are 4x1" flat bar which are welded to the 1/4" x 4" tubing. For re enforcement under the horizontal 1" plate is a 6"x1" verticle plate welded into 1" uprites and gusseted with 1/2" flat bars. All stress welds are three stringer 7018 welds. I won't know for sure till I get the 3 horse motor mounted, it came in today and I may wire it tomorrow before I head back to the rig. I'll watch it closely and if it looks like there's a week spot anywhere I've still got some 1/2" and 1" plate, I'll gusset the crap out of it!
Will52100 said:
Thanks guys, IG you were a BIG help with the parts list and such, made life a lot easier.

I do plan on putting a shroud over the motor and suction line, along with screwing hose clips to the frame to make the plumbing a little neater. Sometime aloung the way it'll get a paint job also. Once I get the motor mounted I'll have to wire it and put a decent 220v switch on also.

I don't think I'll have a problem with the lower suport, it's 4"x1" flat bar horizontal welded into the uprites which are 4x1" flat bar which are welded to the 1/4" x 4" tubing. For re enforcement under the horizontal 1" plate is a 6"x1" verticle plate welded into 1" uprites and gusseted with 1/2" flat bars. All stress welds are three stringer 7018 welds. I won't know for sure till I get the 3 horse motor mounted, it came in today and I may wire it tomorrow before I head back to the rig. I'll watch it closely and if it looks like there's a week spot anywhere I've still got some 1/2" and 1" plate, I'll gusset the crap out of it!
Sounds Good:thumbup: :thumbup: Good Luck Bro!!!:D
Looks great! I'll echo IG and Fitz's comments about a center beam below the bottom plate, and covering the hoses. I have a press very simular (Batson modified, cylinder is below to reduce heigth) and noticed a burned place on a hose and decided to replace it before I got a big surprise. Make sure the wiring is well grounded to. You're going to have fun with this press, I even enjoy making up various dies.
Don't worry, it is getting hose gards and a shield. The shield will be a piece of duct work and the hose gards are some old red rubber hose that will be covering the hoses. I spent way too much on the hoses and fittings, I definatly don't want to replace any in the next decade or two!
Will,If ya ever need a babysitter for that baby Just drop it by the shop and I will gladly watch it for ya:D You did good,Wish I had one set up also.Some day I will get one....
Looking good, Will! That should save some wear and tear on your bod, too. We are looking forward to good looking stuff to come out of it, fella.
Thanks, It's got a 5" cylinder IG, I'm gonna have to buy about 10' of 1/2"x4" flat bar, I'm envisioning a lot more dies already.

Bruce anytime you want to come up feel free.

At least now I've got something to look forward too for two weeks while I'm out.