Ram Kumar Chandra Samsher and Sirupati


Himalayan Imports Owner ~ himimp@aol.com
Apr 5, 2005
18 inch 25 ounce villager fit and finish Chandra Samsher Knife by Ram Kumar. Sandan wood handle. Natural leather sheath. Nice and sharp edge. This Knife feels alive on hand. Add to your collection at $175.






20 inch 24 ounce villager fit and finish Siruapti by Ram Kumar. Sandan wood handle. Leather sheath. Lite and fast knife at $175. *SOLD*




Email to himimp@aol.com to get one or both
First come first served
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Hmmmm, I don't have a Samsher??.......Should I? Of course I should......I'll ponder but know that I don't have much time or I'll be 2nd loser..............................
I don't have one either! Hmmmm....I'm the nice one, let the retireee get it.
Your still working, you get it. I'm on the Top Ramon don't toss the dog food diet. But I'll get one one of these days. Fortunately I kind of like Top Ramon so it ain't so bad ya know.
Top Ramen? Not Maruchan or Nissan? I think Maruchan is a bit cheaper than Top Ramen! It was was I was in college...lol

Dog food cost more than Top Ramen! You must be living the high life...

Where's all the fishing and hunting pics, all retirees love posting? Or is the wife keeping you busy with the "husband to do after retiring list?"
Certainly been no fishing or hunting so far, mostly dealing with my moms affairs. Hopefully a little shooting in the future, other than that I'm happy at home.
Thanks for the tip on Maruchin and Nissan. I work at a feed store so get a discount on cheap dog food. It's not to bad if you get hungry enough.
Spending time with your grandkids, that's special time all in itself. Glad retirement is suiting you, enjoy.