Redline drink....too much of a good thing??

Jun 7, 2004
i'm new to these energy drinks. found this review on a powerful one called redline. Seems to be quite potent. Anyone tried this particular brand?


Redline Energy Drink
Cost: $2 8 oz
Active ingredients: Caffeine, Evoburn (pure Evodiamine), N-acetyle-L-tryptophan, Yerba Mate, Green Tea, 5-htp, Vinpocetine, Yohimbine HCL, Carmine Red, Liquid Red
Rating: 7 out of 10

Wow, this drink is some serious stuff. I mean about half the bottle is the warning label, and it is serious, this drink is INSANE. It says that you should not drink it unless you are over 18, which I would say is a good warning. This is the first drink that was to much for me. The bottle says warning potent, but I have had every energy drink I could find without a problem. This Redline, made me feel like I was tweaking out hard core, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I seriously mean I wasn't enjoying the quick happy buzz that you get from most energy drinks. This was a scary my body is going out of control hot and cold sweats, tweaked out. I had the drink at two in the afternoon and I couldn't sleep until 4 am in the morning. This drink was way to strong, and if I would have paid attention the bottle says the first time to only drink half the bottle which is one serving, but I did not, and I suffered. This is a diet drink and I don't know what diet ingredients are in this but, I felt nauseous and couldn't eat for hours. In fact I felt like I was going to throw up most of the night. I highly don't recommend having a whole bottle, I highly don't recommend that children have this drink. If you have had a ton of energy drinks and work out drinks maybe you need that final ultimate kick, this drink might give it to you. On the other hand it might kill you. Please only drink half the bottle the first time you try it. I really believe this drink will eventually get taken off the market, whatever is in it, can't be healthy for everyone. I mean the warnings are already very clear that this drink can hurt people. I will probably never drink another one in my life, because I felt horrible after a couple hours, and I didn't feel normal again until the next day. Anyways, this may be the most powerful energy drink on the market, but it may also be to much. Most energy drinks contain little more than coffee lots of caffeine, with a little bit of vitamins and amino acids. This drink has diet drugs in it, that will effect you in other ways. So why did I give it a 7, well, I can't say it doesn't work, because it does. For some people this might be a great new and wonderful drink it packs a hell of a punch. I think for most people this will be to much, and not the best choice. So there you have my review of Redline, perhaps the strongest and scariest energy drink on the market.

Warning: don't drink this without reading the warning, DON'T drink this if your under 18, this drink is full of to many diet drugs.

website: Redline

Warning: i do NOT endorse this drink. just passing on the review.