Schrade 34OT- who has them?

May 15, 2013
I just received a USA made one in the original box and with paperwork.. I would love to see some old pictures of a few of these!

So far I am very impressed with this little fella as I had only seen the Chinese made Schrade Old timers before to this one.

The one I just got today in the mail:


Schrade Walden Pre 1973


In the box...

Stockman and Jack Knife pattern

Fancy Springs
Welcome to the club! I've got about a dozen of them, in different variations and editions. Don't have pictures of all of them, but here are a few:

P.S. The first knife I ever owned was a 34OT from my grandfather. :)
Very nice Fellas!

I want one, and keep hoping to find a new one in the box that doesn't cost an arm or leg but so joy so far.
I found mine sitting in the grass 100 yards or so from the nearest building on a Sunday morning when I was out for a walk. It has a broken sheepsfoot blade and needed a little clean up work as it had been there a while but it was soon one of my all-time favorites.
It is a fantastic sized knife and ya gotta love the steel.
Very nice Fellas!

I want one, and keep hoping to find a new one in the box that doesn't cost an arm or leg but so joy so far.

It was a few months back and I can't remember if it was an 8OT or 34OT, but I scored an unused example for around $10. Seems like no one else wanted it since it had a KMart blade etch. :D
I inherited a bunch of schrades from my grandpa. It's fair to say that he was a schrade man. However, he didn't have any old timers, but I hope that one day I'll be able to add one to his collection. The pics shared on this forum and the talk of the good quality steel has me yearning for one.
I inherited a bunch of schrades from my grandpa. It's fair to say that he was a schrade man. However, he didn't have any old timers, but I hope that one day I'll be able to add one to his collection. The pics shared on this forum and the talk of the good quality steel has me yearning for one.

The 1095 carbon steel is sooo nice, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. :thumbup:

Keep in mind though that some Old Timer models were stainless, including some limited edition and anniversary 34OT. The reproduction Old Timers being made now in China are all stainless.
I have an unused 34OT that came packaged with an Old Timer 152OT Sharpfinger skinning knife (both USA) in a gift set, I have another USA made 34OT that I bought without any packaging, it was new (not anymore - it's in my EDC rotation) and I have one of the USA built Uncle Henry stainless steel Stagalon versions (834UH) that I keep in my car. All good knives, perfect size for dress pants or light shorts. OH


I have a couple, very nice edc, one of my favorites, this one is the one I EDC the other two sit in wait should it ever need backup :)

Bought mine at the PX in Fort Sam Houston in 1985. It was my edc for years, lost it working on a roof one fall and found it the following spring a little rusted but still useable. The blades are a little wobbly and worn now. I take it out every now and then but worry about losing it again so it stays retired.
This thread has me thinking about carrying it again.
I've got most of one. Does that count?

In its new configuration, FWIW, it makes a fine whittler. :D

Here's a different one: 44OT, with an extra Wharncliffe/hawkbill blade.

I have this one (lower left) I turned into a whittling/carving knife. I got it off fleabay for $0.99, and $2. shipping. It arrived in an envelope that looked like it had been run over several times. After several soaks in mineral oil & WD-40, I finally got the blades open. Then came more time with 000 steel wool, some filing & grinding, and several visits to my old benchstone, it was brought back to life. The main clip and sheepfoot blades were rusted, pitted & had the tips broke off, and there was only 3/4" of the spay blade left. Both blades are amazing cutters for their size, and the spay-converted-to-screwdriver fits the screws of my Finnish M39 rifle, and all three still have great snap.

I'm proud of it. It's one of my favorites.

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