Sebenza 21 vs Inkosi

Feb 21, 2016
How many of you have had your Inkosi for a while and have gone back to the Sebenza as your go to?

I don't know if its the pivot bushing, handle that was a tad longer vs the small inkosi, or just that I want an insingo, Im really contemplating getting rid of the Inkosi in favor of an insingo sebbie.

Anyone else made the change and regretted it?
No, I rotate a Sebenza 21, 25, Inkosi and Umnumzaan as my work knives. Right now I'm carrying a micarta 25 and next it will be the Umnumzaan. I like having a 21 in the mix even though it's not my preferred work knife. I find myself babying the 21 knowing it will handle what the others can do.
If an insingo is calling to you, by all means get that beauty in you pocket.
I prefer a Small Sebenza over Small Inkosi, but larges are a tossup. I rotate all of them though. If I had to pick one and you're talking about smalls, I would pick a Small Sebbie hands down. Longer handle is more comfortable.
Love them all but the insingo small is just perfect for edc!!!!!
I snagged a large inkosi with insingo blade and natural micarta inlays at blade this yr. bigger and beefier works for me. still not scary to folks as well. I never find my lil guys in my pocket-smalls sebbies and mnandi gather dust. usually just a little friction folder or a sak rattin around in my pocket as something for folks to borrow.
Shoot-maybe I need to get a little inkosi and it would feel more substantial...
I have both small 21 and small Inkosi and the Inkosi has not left my pocket in over a year. Not to say there is anything wrong with a Sebenza I just don't like it as much. I would say try to have both and see what you like. If you sell the Inkosi you may regret it. Having both allows you to go back and forth and maybe sell the one you like least later.
I was Leary of the insingo at first but that blade shape has proven soooo amazing. It pierces extremely well also which a lot of wharncliffs and sheepsfoot blade shapes don't. I think every CRK lover should try. It's that good!!
Even though I prefer the Small Inkosi to the Small 21, I *much* prefer the Large 21 to the Large Inkosi. I think the single cutout just fits me better and it does seem to be easier to open. Plus the 21 is just hands down better looking IMO.

Both are great knives and I'm sure both have their followings, but I will take a large 21 over a large Inkosi all day, every day and twice on Sundays!
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I carried a small Inkosi for eight months, it's a great knife. I don't know if a 21 will replace it.
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I like the 21 better then the Inkosi. I've had 2 Large Inkosis, the 1st was defective and had to be sent back. The 2nd one is much better but can't break into my rotation. I like the look and feel of the 21 and the pivot bushing is the feature that brought me to CRK in the 1st place. For me EDC perfection is a small 21 insingo with micarta inlays.

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The small 21 fits my hand perfectly while the small Inkosi is a bit too small. If they made a medium Inkosi I think I would prefer it to the small 21.
I started with a large 21 and then got a large inkosi. For me the large 21 won the battle. So much smoother and easier to carry. Both great knives but nothing beats the 21 for me. I tried a small inkosi but just too small for me.
The small 21 has the slightly longer handle and is easier to open - my experience.
I see a small Inkosi Insingo in my future....
IMO the small insingo 21 is a better all around EDC
It has more blade andmore handle but is still very compact

However when I work at the office I actually carry my small Inkosi more
The small suze just make it a dream to carry
I was used to carry a BM 940-1 when I wanted to have something you can forget in your pocket and the small Inkosi just is better
It is very smooth to open but on mine I had to put some loctite

They are very different blades

Shall I take only one?
Hard choice but I will pick up the sebenza
Been a long time user of small and large 21s, both DP and insingo blade but I prefer the DP. A couple months ago I picked up a small inkosi to try out and I've carried it daily since. This past weekend I grabbed a small 21 and all day I felt myself wishing I had grabbed the inkosi instead. I do think the size of the small 21 is better than the inkosi, but to me the inkosi is superior in every other way (except maybe take-down) and you will get used to the handle size after a while.

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I have battled with this question many many times my friend. The ONLY logical answer seems to be, have and carry both. If you have just one, you will always wonder about the other. I hold up my carry pouch and have my gal pick my edc for the day most of the time. Yep, got lucky finding her haha
Same complaint as others. Small inkosi is too small. Small 21 is perfect on the other hand.

For larges they are both good but I find myself prefering my large inkosi to my large 21 mostly because of the dual thumb studs and it is just more broken in. I also prefer the clip placement on the Inkosi. Other than that both larges are great!

I always wonder, why is the small inkosi shorter handled than the small 21, and yet the large inkosi is the same size as the large 21?