Selling Knives


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2002
I am looking to get rid of about half of my collection and I was wondering what you think would be better, trying to sell all of them as a set or selling them individually? Let me know what you think.
I think you'd end up getting more for them if you sell them individually. Sets of mixed items are also harder to find a buyer for.
I would definitely sell them separately. You stand to get a much greater return on them that way.
Because my wife and I are building knife collections (RMK's, AMK's, and A/F 'Fighting Knife' variant's), we had long assumed that the sum total as a collection would have more value than that of the individual parts...

Unfortunately, our experience now shows that collections, as a package deal, usually sell for much less than one that's parted out.

Generally speaking, collections are sold for one of just a few reasons: The original collector has passed away, and the family/executor doesn't know the value; the collector has lost interest in collecting; the collector has become financially insolvent and needs the money quickly; the collector has become sick or infirm; or the collector has gone through some traumatic situation such as a medical emergency/divorce.

As such, most collections sell for much less than they are actually worth. Finding someone with the exact same interest as yours, that has the money to pay full value, at the time you need the money, is a rare occurance indeed, especially in tough economic times.

Additionally, many collectors remember what they paid (within reason), and haven't tracked the increase in value, if any, over the years...this is actually very common, and explains how many purveyors are able to make enough money off their purchases and sales to stay in business.

We now know more than just a few advanced collectors that are slowly parting out their collections, at one knife a month or so, for extra income. This would appear to be where the 'smart money' is...YMMV

Hope that helps,

Thats why I love the forum, you will always find somebody with an opinion on your subject. Thanks guys.

Anyone else?
Good discussion.

I have a collection of 41 Microtech UDT; Sm, Md, and Lg between 8/94 and 2/98 (the original first generation UDTs).

There are still 3 or 4 that I am looking for.

I might sell them as sets (s, m,l,) but I don't think I would sell them indiviually.

I have had a great time collecting them that you can not put a price on.

Maybe in 20 years Microtech will buy them all. :rolleyes:

What do you think?

Does anyone want to buy them ALL now?:D
I also collect Mini Daltons (with blades under two inches) prior to 2002.

I am looking for only 3 more of those.

1. First Run Mini Cupid with Cupid on the blade
2. First Run Mini Cupid black handle chisel ground
3. Mini Gatekeeper with black handle.

I hope to sell these one day as an entire set.

And the 3 size Left Handed Daltons as a set.
selling them individually on ebay might be the answer. Best bet is to try selling one or 2 to see if there is much interest on ebay.

Send me a large UDT, and I'll let you know in a few years......I mean days whether or not I want the whole collection. :D
Gentlemen, let's please keep the "knives wanted" and "for sale" discussion in the appropriate forums. This will establish the wrong precedent especially if it is perceived that moderators are held to a different standard. Thanks.

What I'm trying to say is it depends on the collection.

I am not trying to sell my collection, but it's nice to let people know that you would sell your collection.

In my cse I would not sell them in 2's or 3's, because I would loose too much money on the ones I over paid for.

You don't find this many without over paying for some.

Also, it is better to sell them when you really don't have to; so you don't have to drop your price to much.
I just put in last night for my gold membership so I when that goes through I am going to offer them individually to you forumites first and see how that goes.

About how long does it take for 1SKS to activate you gold account? I paid last night so when do you think I would be able to post in the for sale section?
boobar, just a few days.

Good luck with your sale.

If you're in no hurry; you might want to try to auction them with a reserve to see if they go over your asking price.

Then try to sell them for that reserve price and reduces it if they don't sell.
Well my Gold Membership went through so I pust up some of my knives in the for sale forum and we will see how it turns out. I hope you all go over and check them out and I hope you buy them all, LOL. Thanks for all the good input. Later
You will probably get less money selling the collection as a whole but the advantage is getting rid of it in one shot.You should get more money selling them indivualy but it may take a lot of time and work.
Thanks for all the great input. I put up 5 knives here on the forums and you forumites bought them all, I thank you much. Now I have some money to play with so I will keep looking and maybe buy some of your knives. Later
The whole collection has been sold, minus 3 I kept, an Emerson Commander, Chris Reeve large regular Sebenza, and a Benchmade 710HS. Thanks to everyone who posted a response, they were all very helpfull, maybe I will head on over to the For Sale forum and replenish the knife collection. Later