Off-Topic Share your animal friends!

David Mary

pass the mustard - after you cut it
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 23, 2015
My flat mate is Smokey. He's my good buddy kitty.


He likes to be well stocked up on his favorite food:


He likes stinky socks:


He likes to play:

And he likes to be brushed:

I love my kitty buddy.

Who are your animal friends?
I had a temporary pet wombat once

What happened to him or her?
Thomas at the top and Smush at the bottom? If so, what a fitting name! And Thomas must shop at the same store as Smokey...
Yep. We call the orange one Smush cuz his face is smushed in. We never caught him, but we caught Thomas and had him fixed, along with a bunch of other cats over the past few years.
These are my two pals. It's no exaggeration, they brought a lot of joy in my life. And still do.
Happy to present Whitey and Greyfluffy :

Greyfluffy has also been a model for a David Mary knife. He's that cool...
I had meant to do this a while back...
Oliver (5) one of a litter born at the girlfriends step dad's.

Cooper (13) a rescue we've had since he was about 4, now diagnosed with dementia and going deaf.

Tater (12) the last remaining sibling adopted from a litter that was born next door way back before we bought a house. Also the most senior animal friend of the house by date of living with us.


And last but not least Lola (11) my first dog after moving away from home, I got her from a friend of mine who is big into rabbit hunting. She is a gun dog without equal, unfortunately she isn't suited for life in the house, so she lives in an igloo on the porch. Hopefully I'll be able to share some pictures of her this season whilst in the field. I'm looking forward to seeing how my EDChef works out field dressing game.

Edited for an age error on the beagle...
Oliver's a handsome little fellow!

Poor Cooper! Hang in there buddy!

Tater is such a cool name for a cat. I love how it rolls of the tongue. Two syllable animal names seem like the sweetspot to me.

Lola look like a sweetie.... I wonder how close looks are to the reality?