Sharpening Asymmetric Grinds

In my experience an asymmetric knife is not only a very nice tool to use but sharpening is very easy. Regardless of all that has been said it is actually a very easy knife grind to sharpen and it may be urban legend but they always seem to be sharper than 50/50 grinds, and this is somewhat universally agreed upon.

When it comes to sharpening an undamaged blade I simply start on the small bevel with a 1000 grit until a burr forms on the larger bevel. I sharpen the large bevel with the 1k until the burr pushes back to the other side then I polish with a 2-6k stone depending on the edge desired. I always start with the small bevel so I dont oversharpen the large bevel on the presentation side. Its important to set that small backside bevel first, it prevents distorting the blade geometry and takes a lot of work out of the front side bevel.