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sharpening question

Jan 1, 2006
First off, I am sorry to post something like this, and I know all the links to threads and all that, my question is kind of specific, I have just gotten to the point were I tried sharpening with sandpaper and a mouse pad. I have worked on my AS, SS4 and RW. Now I'm gettin 'em sharp but they wont shave hair, they slice paper, and cut 550 cord no problem, does anybody know what Im doing wrong off hand? Any suggestions? Thanks alot
Semper Fi
First off, I am sorry to post something like this, and I know all the links to threads and all that, my question is kind of specific, I have just gotten to the point were I tried sharpening with sandpaper and a mouse pad. I have worked on my AS, SS4 and RW. Now I'm gettin 'em sharp but they wont shave hair, they slice paper, and cut 550 cord no problem, does anybody know what Im doing wrong off hand? Any suggestions? Thanks alot
Semper Fi

Here is a couple of links that might help. Convex Grind: http://www.mhcable.com/~yocraft/sosak/convex.htm.
And the Convex Edge: http://bill-hay.com/Convex/Convex.htm. The easy-does-it approach (light to medium pressure) works best with the mouse pad/sandpaper, or you will only be pushing that fine edge from side-to-side. I always finish up with a strop loaded with blade honing compound for a hair-popping edge. One of the hone photos is my small, extremely light weight, field hone.:)
I have not tried the mouse pad technique yet, but I have read a number of threads on the subject. Apparently, one of the common mistakes is to roll the spine of the knife upwards at the end of the stroke, thus rounding the edge. You have to stop and lift the entire knife straight up.
Good points here. What I used to do wrong was press too hard. This made the blade sink into the mouse pad causing the pad and paper to sort of roll around to the other edge and round it off. Now that you are at the pretty sharp stage you should take it slow. Do a few passes on a side, check it, do the other side, check it, repeat until desired results achieved. I know there were times I probably did too many passes at this stage and dulled an edge I just got shaving sharp.

t1mpani is someone who gave me great tips on this over on Rat Chat!

Good luck. :)
ok, thanks guys, I think I may have been applying too much downward presure, so I'll try it with less and see
thanks again