Silly question?

you sure the "holes" ain't specks of dirt or something?

Even "mirror polished" steel won't be perfectly diamond/crystal smooth. Small indentations and scratches are "normal".

I see nothing to worry/fret about or lose sleep over.
None of those "holes" go all the way through the blade stock.
There are no micro cracks that could potentially cause the blade to break if you baton it, or beat a block of ice, or antler/bone, or otherwise abuse the knife, as routinely done on 'FORGED IN FIRE'.

I seriously doubt if you sent it back to the maker or dealer they would find anything wrong with it that would justify repair, replacement, or refund.

Unless I'm missing something, you were happy with the knife until after looking at highly magnified images of the blade. With proper care, no abuse, no over sharpening, etc. I don't see any reason why that knife won't last several generations after you.

Just so you are aware, nothing made by or designed by humans is "perfect", regardless of cost.

As my (maternal) great grandfather (1892-1974) used to say: "Expect perfection; be eternally disappointed."

By the way, as a former auto body repairman, I can tell you that if you magnify a random spot/area of paint on your vehicle enough, you will discover gaps with no paint larger than those "holes".
Thanks for the response. Makes sense.