Small folder with glass breaker?

Feb 23, 2012
I'm having no luck finding a Keychain sized knife with a glass breaker. Maybe there aren't any but I figured I'd ask. I want to get a Keychain knife for my wife to see if that keeps her from losing it, and a glass breaker would just be an added bonus. Something thin with about a 1.5" to 2" blade. Thanks.
Just a heads up, in case you didn't know, but not every knife advertised as having a "glass breaker" actually has a true glass breaker. Many cheaper knives just have a pointed piece of steel that the maker calls a "glass breaker", but they don't necessarily work.

I hate to think of your wife, trapped in a car, trying to break the window with something that has no chance of breaking it.

This video gives a good example of what I was referring to and offers advice on choosing a true glass breaker.

She has a dedicated glass breaker, I just figure an extra one on her Keychain as an extra measure.
She has a dedicated glass breaker in her car, the main idea is the Keychain knife, I just figured a glass breaker on it would be an added bonus.
Serious question: would you have enough grip on a keychain knife to be able to use a glass breaker effectively if it had one?
Serious question: would you have enough grip on a keychain knife to be able to use a glass breaker effectively if it had one?
Not in the least.....Maybe a woman's smaller hands will be different but then it comes down to mass and speed and location to actually break said glass........Not as easy as it looks.........Saw an idiot swing a baseball bat.onto a side window and it bounced back and wacked him in the chest..........HINT....... Pick a corner and strike there.😉
I caught a guy that was a regular 'larceny from auto' type. He knew how to make the pieces of a car window land outside the car, rather than all over the seats. He could climb in and steal without worrying about glass shards.

He taught me how he used a pair of mini Phillips screwdrivers. Whoa...nevermind.