Spartan Brand-Alternate Sheath for an Ontario Spec Plus (SP2 Airforce Knife)

Sep 17, 2012
Hey guys,

I bought an Ontario SP2 and its a great knife, but came dull as hell from the factory and with a really low quality sheath. I spent a few hours putting a new edge on it (more convex) but was still dissatisfied with the sheath. I found this Sheath from Spartan Blades fits perfectly. Here is the link:

Here are a few pictures:




The stone is a Smith pocket arkansas stone. Any tips on mounting it better? the pouch isn't really MOLLE friendly. I don't know if this thing is gonna wear out the MOLLE eventually. Its a great sheath, has a kydex liner and cordura outside.
I have a perfect fix for you, get a Leatherman or Spec Ops knife or flashlight MOLLE pouch and attach to the front of your Spartan sheath. The leatherman MOLLE attaches very easily. You could also get the MOLLE attachment clips from Maxpedition. Lots of options only limited by your imagination :)