I love the way it looks, and like the new configuration with the better steel. It is extremely ergonomical and gets many compliments from knife and non knife people. I have owned three of them, and have one big complaint.
First, on the liner side, the washer extends down so that when you are closing the knife, the washer is deformed by the liner lock (the washers are plastic I think). This in turn makes it so that when you are opening the knife and exerting pressure on the blade, the washer does not allow for the blade to stay aligned in midline so the side of the blade opposite your thumb rubs on the liner when opening. I think it could be fixed if Spyderco used a metal (phosporbronze) washer and made the outside diameter of the washer a little smaller. If not for this I would still own one. If Spydie ever fixes this problem I will buy anoother one, but when ever I come across one I find the same problem. Josh