I owned one, it was the sweetest opening Spydie I owned, the crazy shaped scale with the false bolster, she disappeared 2 yrs ago.
I still look in old jackets, under cushions,(we threw out a sofa a couple of months ago and I had to slice open every piece to make sure i wasn't throwing it out. Hows that for a testimonial?
I paid $90 for it, wish I could get one for that now,(I also wish I had $90 to buy one if it was that cheap)
This knife was ground nice and thin, it was a slicin' machine with a solid lockup and the VG10 held a nice edge.
There were a lot of complaints about the small hole, "You couldn't open it easily with gloves", I think they said. Come on, it isn't a tactical knife, it's more of a gentlemens knife.