I am not sure about TexasKnife (I am in Oz) but a lot of commercial heat treaters will only through-harden your work, meaning no hamon - but thats based on my very limited knowledge with commercial H/T'ers. You may need to do the heat-treat yourself if you are chasing a hamon.
If you want to clay coat the blade and get some activity going, 1075/1080 or 1084 is probably a good choice if you can find it, and a little more forgiving than 1095 when it comes to heat treat and quenching. I would go at least 3/16" or better yet 1/4" thick for your first tanto. This will be a thick blade, but will give you plenty of room to grind away (if you are into stock removal) and when you come to heat treat the blade, may be more forgiving to uneven grinding and may tend to warp a little less than a thinner blade if things aren't quite even.
Just some thoughts, hopefully the more experienced will chime in and help you out with some info which is a little more accurate.
Hope it works out for ya,