Hey, I'm a Brit, what do I know...
I know that after years of touting the buy Surefire buy the best, and people who don't buy internet scraping to buy a G2 - as it's the best thing they can afford... at roughly $105
they will be scratching their heads as you can now source them at around $25 in the US. (Which coincidentally comes under the duty margin for imports)
I really don't know where they're going with their pricing.
I'm seeing stuff about QC problems. The model range is growing like topsy with the A2 and this hypothetical 5W LED - looks like problems to me.
This screwing of the dealer network - do they need to turn more money in house to fund their model development?
{FWIW, I have a 6P, G2, E2e/KL1(thanks Tim), and an E1, so I am an SF believer}
Turbo head, N2 and adaptor for the 6P... and I'll be out of lights for a while... though the Ultrastinger sounds nice <thwap>