Sweet - Will this help you?

hey thanks! I'll have to bookmark this...if there is snow in the Donner Pass then we too will fly in...that will give me a little hard time picking up new toys in Nevada..not impossible! what time are you flying in? will you be by yourself?
Just me. Southwest 10:35PM Fri Local Reno time. Really 11:35PM to me

Straight to the Peppermill. Think Fri is going to be a long day for me before I get out of town. Have been prebriefing my sister on Mom's care by email, She arrives around 2 in the afternoon, more briefings, than I have to get out the door by 5:40 PM. MST Hour drive to airport, report 1 hour prior to departure. Albuquerque, Phoenix, Reno

I sure need the RESPITE.........
looking good so far...should be about a 5 or 5 1/2 hour drive I think...I have driven over so many times I forget now...leaving here about 0300 or 0400 if I lag then we get to stop in Truckee for some of that killer fudge they make up there...whoa Fri the 21st nice way to spend a birthday, diving...fast