there WAS a leuku for sale 1/18/14

Apr 17, 2009
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I'm surprised this forum is even up considering he hasn't made an appearance on over a year. Does he even make knives any more?
I don't know if he does or not. I don't know the man personally, but from what I've read, it sounds like he's got lots of things going on and somehow knife making went from an enjoyment to a pain. It's a shame. He has some real talent.

That's why I try to let folks know about his work when it comes up on the exchange... not sure when/if ever there will be more.
He was a very popular maker years ago. I had several of his knives. His daughter is a fabulous sheath maker. I don't know where they went, but wish them all the best.
I'm real disapointed. Been a long slow couple years now I guess. Have to imagine the move to the farm and new baby have taken up most of his time. Glad I got my LBK when I did, but boy did I want a thin blade from him.
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Been thinking about passing my Full Tang Leuku along - handle is too short for me.