This is childish

Wolfmann, just read the dates on the posts in Ok, so W&C does have it's limits. But in every cloud, there is a silver lining... Nobody looks at the dates....

It could very well be that I would not be having so much fun here if I were not so stressed out, not least because of Ken leaving. If this forum had been started at another time I might have ignored it completely; I don't know. You're very confused about the reasons for this forum being created, though. How soon people forget ... what was it, a week ago??? And you've forgotten already??? I don't know, maybe you weren't reading Whine & Cheese a week ago and haven't caught up.... There was a big foo-fa-raw about some pics being censored from Whine & Cheese and a lot of people got pretty mad about it. It's all still there on the forum; you can go back and read it. If you want to see the pix that were censored my offer to email them to anyone foolhardy enough to request them still stands. I'll warn you, though, that vaginal mutilation pic is much more offensive than anything that's been posted here, at least IMHO.

I'm sure no one is offended at being called childish, least of all me -- I am childish and I'm proud of it! :)

You'll see my opinion about the idea of this forum in Ok, so W&C does have it's limits. But in every cloud, there is a silver lining... I still think it's pointless and serves no real purpose, but now it's started I'm having fun with it anyway. Why not? Maybe I'll even decide it's not so pointless and end up posting here regularly even after the fun of teasing Tim is over ... who knows? I doubt I'll keep posting feelthy peektures, but maybe I'll think of something else I'd rather post here than somewhere else.

All I can suggest is get your kid to register as a basic member and change your password so he can't use your account any more. It would have been better if we had warned you in time to do that in advance ... I just didn't think of that. Sorry.

This thread still doesn't have enough childishness in it to escape the charge of false advertising. I'll post some more childishness as soon as I get a chance -- to save your ass! I'd hate to see you lose everything you own to some slimy lawyers....
Q: What do you get when you cross a jar of peanut butter with a boob?

A: A boob that sticks to the roof of your mouth!

I made that joke up my own self.
Q: How do you make a Kleenex Dance?

A: Put a little boogie in it!


And now for some porn.


Full Spread
This is childish?

Give me a break!:rolleyes:

This forum is going to be fun, as my esteemed colleague Cougar has so elequontly pointed out.

We have been asking for a password protected forum forever, and we now basically have it.

W & C used to be password protected before the software change, and it was absolutely great!! Now we have that back in a sense, and all the little whiney assed crybabies can just stay the hell out!:p


I like the forums; seriousness and all. However, just like when you were still a cop, we need someplace to hold 'choir practice' when we need to unwind.

Lighten up a bit, and take this new forum for what it is; a place to let your hair down, unwind, and have some fun.

If you don't want to participate, fine. Thats your right.

I think you'll miss out if you don't.
Danelle for moderator!

Hummm... I bet I can have her as a mod in 45 days. Anyone in? We need some estrogen here folks!
Originally posted by Mike Turber
Danelle for moderator!

Hummm... I bet I can have her as a mod in 45 days. Anyone in? We need some estrogen here folks!

I'd have to see photo credentials... Lift your shirt and smile for the camera:eek: :D
Arrrrrrrrrrgh! Where's my doubloons?
Spark, that avatar is hilarious!! I almost spit coffee all over my monitor. Do we need a moderator in here? IF so, I guess Danelle is a great choice.
Oh, and something childish: Cougar, my dad can beat up your dad!
For the record, I am STILL a COP.

And W&C is a nice enough place for me to unwind, I have never been this tense to require stress relief at this level. If I wanted to see a Dick with a face on it, I need only knock on my next door neighbor's door. Now that man is a pure cock-sucker. But you do not live next door to him, so phuck me again.

hey, I am only one paying customer, so phuck me. kind of like one 'Taxpayer" who feels he has a very legitimate complaint. The smartest way for the "chief" and his Admin to handle it is to make light of the complaint and the complainer. Hey this is your Town, not mine...........

Enjoy this place. It is for all you "Super-ninja warrior types" and I will never be in that league. I did read the "silver lining thread" and certainly did not see the approval rating for this forum indicative of the majority of BF, and please fill me in at some point on how many new folks have paid to be able to access this forum. AND if TIM HERMAN pays specifically to be here, I will phuck myself, personally and PUBLICLY

Moderating in here would be like sending cops in to babysit the doughnuts. I'm as nutty (no I didnt say slutty, dammit) as the rest of you, if not more so.

And one more thing - Ira, why do you keep coming in here if you hate it so much? Bro, I have nada against you, but quit torturing yourself. It's like me repeatedly posting in the Political Forum.."where's the tits? Where's the dongs?" Time to wake up and smell the latte, we aren't in Kansas anymore.
There's not enough childishness in this thread....

Irritating Ira was the most childish thing I could think of at the time. He won't be able to stay out of here, I just hope he doesn't tell the "5,799 rounds" story again.