This is happening

What do you call that many machetes anyway? A herd, a pride, a flock?
Maybe a murder? A MURDER of machetes?
I see you've played knifie-spoonsie before!

Always be prepared (for zombies)

(the first one is a Simpson's reference)
Have my daughter back by 10...

Looks like we have a winner. We actually tried to bring your daughter back before remembering that this was just a caption and we've never met her.

Send us a private message with your mailing address so we can get you your chimera. While you're at it, let us know your t-shirt size as well. :D
You asked if I had any weapons on my person, officer. :D

This made our decision pretty rough, so we're giving you an honorable mention. We like to make our honorable mentions memorable though - send us a private message with your address and t-shirt size and we'll get you a free t-shirt.