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Three Buck Knives

Aug 9, 2006
I don't really think of myself of as Buck collector but when I look through my jumble of knives there a quite a few Bucks there. There are some recently made 110s and a 112 and a few cheap synthetic handled numbers as well as a fish filleting knife.

There are three Bucks that I have owned for quite a long time that I thought may be worth a post. They certainly aren't rare, being among the most commonly encountered Buck models but they are probably the Bucks that I will continue to hang on to as the others come and go. The three knives have had some use but remain in very good condition.

The first Buck I owned is a 500, or Duke. I purchased it new in 1980 at Wellington Surplus Stores in Perth, Western Australia. It has burgundy micarta scales. Scary to think it was 26 years ago.

My second Buck is a 120 or General. I bought it at Mick Simmons Sportstore in George St, Sydney, NSW in 1981. In those days Mick Simmons was a big retailer of guns, knives and archery gear. I think they still exist somewhere in Sydney but sell things like running shoes, clothes to wear to the gym and other harmless and boring things - enough said.

The last is the Buck 110 and it is relatively recent. To be honest I can't remember where I got this one as I had so many bloody knives by then. Using the guide produced by the Buck collectors, I think this one is a 1992 model.

My regards to Buck for continuing to produce such a good, honest line of knives.


Those wouldn't be tears of joy that I see on the knives in that first pic 2MK? Would they? :D
...Ooh, ooh! A double-dashed Buck 110! That one's a keeper, mate!!! :D :thumbup:

Yep. That's worth some serious Vegemite. ;)

Regarding the 500...I like those the more I see 'em. Reminds me of a 55 on steroids. And I like the 55.

Thanks for the pics and story! :thumbup:
Those wouldn't be tears of joy that I see on the knives in that first pic 2MK? Would they? :D

That was very observant. Actually they are raindrops. I was taking pics out in the yard on a cloudy day and caught a few light drops of rain before I moved inside.
Buck made an inter year change to the knife and added the second dash to distinguish the later knives from the first. The number of double dash knives appears to be small which would add to their collectible value.

I do not know what the change was. They did change the wood used on the scales from Macassar Ebony to Obeechee wood in 92. I asked Joe Houser if that might have been the reason for the extra dash. He didn't think that would have been the case but he said that he was going to check into it. I haven't heard anything back from him but he's a pretty busy guy. I'm sure he'll respond if he uncovers anything.
Still no word on the double dash stamp. Time to harrass the old timers again and see if any of them remembers.
The double dash stamp indicates a slight mid-year change to the blade and rocker. Given that it was a mid year change I would think there are a lot of them around. Joe - you have an ECN that describes that change.