Two CAMCO knives

Feb 4, 2011
I recently received two beautiful Camco knives :)
Camco Charm Knife & Camco Lone Ranger Red Knife



This is probably one of the smallest knives in my collection, and definitely my most small knife by Camillus :thumbup:



Special thanks to CAMCO
The red Lone Ranger knife was made circa 1955 to promote the Rail City Museum in Sandy Pond, New York, located on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario (see link below). The museum was the nation’s first steam operating railroad museum. The museum was established by Dr. Stanley A. Groman. I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Groman's son who told me that his father was the personal physician for the Camillus Cutlery Co. for a brief period when his father practiced medicine in Camillus, NY. The factory was just across the street from Dr. Groman's home/office and the doctor had a personal relationship with the company President at the time.

Thanks again for your photos Vit.
Thanks for the info citytransplant!
The first pair of knives is especially dear to me because they were given to me by Tom Williams.
Just to add, that company President would have been Alfred Kastor in 1955.