I was in the market for a hollow handled survival knife and I was consirering the UC first blood. I was able to skip around to a couple of stores and examine stuff as best I could without actuall taking it into the field. I was a bit disenchanted by the First blood knife, the stock of the steel wasnt very thinck and the saw on the back didnt seem to scare me even if I thought of myself as a helpless chunk o wood. The only rambo that seemed solid was Hibben's number 3 and I wasnt lookin fer a solid bowie, if I was I'd get a SOG. The First Blood didnt seem completely useless, I think it would certainly out-perform the BushMaster that UC makes. I havent had any 420j2 peices that I would trust to do hard work and be durable, but that doesnt stop me from using them even if they wear out.
To finish the story, It came down to a war between a small Cris Reeves knife and the Aitor Jungle King. I went with the Aitor because it was slightly cheaper, absolutely massive, solid construction for a hollow handle, the saw is wicked and usefull, and it comes with a very complete survival system. The Reeves was very nice but too small for the chopping and heavy-knife chores I want to do. I look at my JK1 now and think "Rambo wishes he had steel so hard", its a monster.
Short n sweet: I think if yer a fan, it aint a bad knife and it would be fun to own. You could oil yerself up, put on a red bandana and use it to stalk down yer neighborhood with an explosive tipped broadhead and a compound bow. But if yer looking fer a good hollow survival knife, do some more research into less-known blades.