Walking cane with Blade at the bottom

Oct 3, 2016

I'm looking for a walking Cane that has a blade that comes out of the Bottom of the cane. Be it using a button or some other mechanism to reveal the blade. I've seen plenty of sword canes, stiletto canes and flicker canes, But even with flicker the blade comes out of the top and not the bottom.

Anyone cane direct me to either such currently manufacturing brand or even an antique cane that is built that way?
First off, welcome aboard!

I can't help much in the way of locating one of these, but if I may offer some advise?

Check your regions legality of such an item.
In most areas (within the US) hidden swords, knives and such are considered to be a "concealed" weapon and would require a permit in the least and are likely to be flat out illegal. That classification is primarily due to the fact that there is not much of a use aside from self-defense.

Please don't quote me on this matter, as I have not looked into it enough to give a state by state reading, but from the little reading that I have done, the above seems to apply.

I just don't want you to end up wit legal issues on top of whatever else would arise from an instance that would require the usage of such an item.
Bill has it right, definitely check your laws before you buy a sword cane of any type. In some places, it's a crime just to own one. That said, walking sticks are a hobby of mine. There is a significant amount of vibration and impact at the tip, in addition to engineering issues in putting a blade in there. A gap for a blade to get through would allow junk to get lodged with predictable results. I imagine some sort of flip-down tip would work, but then you would need some way to deploy the blade, maybe gravity or a spring. But if you look in an OTF knife, they are much more complicated than they look from the outside. I don't think I have ever seen a "switich-cane" that was actually workable, there are just too many issues to overcome.

I can see how it can be done, but it would certainly be a custom build and probably be too heavy to be a comfortable cane while not making a very good short spear, too. If you are looking for a spike on a stick though, do a google search on hiking stick tips and you will find some good stuff. It's essentially a short steel spike with that gets half its length set into the wood, and the other half has a threaded portion for screwing on a sleeved foot. I made a stick for a woman who walks her dog in some foothills, and she used that spike with great effect on a coyote who was looking for lunch. Sorry I have nothing easy for you, hopefully somebody has some better ideas.
I don't know if I have seen one like what you are describing, except maybe in a movie. I do know of one that hides a dagger on the top, a little different than the regular can swords, but this place also has the normal cane swords too.

dagger on top cane.jpg
If you want a tip that can be used as a defensive apparatus, get a cup cover for the end of a crutch and find out what size end mill bit fits snugly and bolt that to the bottom of your cane/walking stick.

Any trouble arises, just step on the cup and pull the pokey bit out and keep them at bay.