What-a-knife at What-a-burger


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jan 16, 2010
I don't know if any of you guys outside of Texas have What-a-burgers, but I went there today, and look what came with my food! A USA made Camillus 'what-a-knife'. I haven't seen one of those in years! So I asked the manager what was up, and he told me that the regional manager had recently leased another warehouse to store all the ketchup packets. (they are a big chain around here) Anyway, when they cleared out the warehouse, they found a pallet of these, and are giving one away with every What-a-Combo meal. Today only, while supplies last. Pretty cool, huh?


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Awesome Rachel! We will give you money to eat there every two hours until they run out of knives! :D Then we can all get a "What-A-Knife"! :D

Oh, we will supply you with Cholesterol Medicine too! :eek::D
Those are really cool caplifters, great score for you. I'd be eating there a lot! Don't tell the manager, but that well-made what-a-knife is worth more than the combo meal!:D
If only...

Cool knife regardless!
Makes me miss Austin. Which one was giving these away? I may have my parents see if they still are. What a great surprise though!

Ha Ha Ha!
Very cool!

"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for 50 hamburgers today! :eek:
As long as they come with knives!" :p

Last month, I went to lunch with a buddy of mine. He insisted we go to What-a-Burger.
He said "Check it out!" and pulled out his What-a-Knife for me to take a picture of with the burger. (for the record, those are his dirty nails. :eek: (Mine are usually clean when I eat :) ) Somehow the discussion turned to "Ya gotta post this on April Fools Day."

I hope y'all thought it was a fun idea, and no one drove a long way to try and get one.
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Along the same Lines though since I just purchased one that is supposed to be new old stock, and I was curious what information is available out there on this line of knives. Years made, where, etc.
I was just getting ready to type that I didn't believe it. Then I scrolled down and read more. YOU GOT ME.:)