What are you watching & why? (splain)

Episode 4 of "Carnival Row", really good and totally not what I expected.

Amazon Prime? I’ll probably give it a go then.

I’m gonna start watching Spy on Netflix. Sacha Baron Cohen playing Mossad spy Eli Cohen (coincidental last name) and his covert ops in Damascus Syria in the 50’s. I like spy sh*t and will let y’all know if this is any good! FWIW, Sachs Baron Cohen is playing a serious role here, not one of his goofy characters ;)
OK then to expound on the above post, I finished watching The Spy on Netflix and my over all consensus is something like a 6.5 out of 10 and if I had to make it a round number, I'd make it a whole 6 rather than a whole 7! It's not a waste of time as there are interesting features and tidbit about it, I liked the cinematography and the impeccable sets and also as someone who was not previously aware of the story of Eli Cohen, I took a keen interest in its historical context. This is a French made mini-series (6 episodes) written by the same guy who wrote the Israeli version of Homeland and then also became a creator of Homeland on SHO. This was filmed in France, Israel and Morocco.

The story starts slowly and then picks up pace so unless you are in a mellow mood already and have ran out of things to watch, give this one a try. To me, it was good enough and not a waste of time, but as I had already stated, I like spy thrillers and the viciously cunning way in Mossad does their dirty things but there you have it. Let me also tell you this; The Spy is heavy handed on propaganda so if you are from the Israeli jewish background, you will probably love it and feel very proudly but if on the other hand you are from an Arabic heritage, specially from a Syrian ancestry you will hate it! For historical contexts, back then in the 60's Syria had one of the most formidable Arab militaries which was a constant PITA for the Israelis until the 1973 (?) Arab-Israeli wars in which Israel captured the Golan Heights to bolster her security, but this mini-series paints the Syrian military brass as incompetent, corrupt and foolish. Be as it may, I was very surprised by the Syrian generals having such loose lips and we all know what loose lips do ;)

For the reasons of being already conditioned and predisposed when I watch Sacha Baron Cohen, I expect for one of his goofy characters to jump out so I laugh when I am not supposed to! I have seen SBC in dramatic roles but I still laugh by just looking at him even when he's all serious. Like said, I'm just used to his awkward, goofy and lanky personas so I question his casting in such a serious role other than he's very famous and that he has the wherewithals to bring in watchers, just like he did with me.
Ripper Street on Netflix looks promising if you happen to like BBC produced stuff (5 seasons in total from 2012-2017). The show has some familiar faces in it even for us the American audiences ;)

Also to almost everyone's delight on here, apart from Grog's, Peaky Blinders will make its 5th season debut on OCT 4th :thumbsup: A new season of The Crown coming in NOV too, but with a brand new cast for the most major roles :)
Jayzus! Were GoT and Ripper Street filmed in neighboring sets? I mean literally every actor on RS has also been on GoT (not vice versa ;) )

ETA: I mean, I even saw friggin Hodor on one Ripper Street episode and I'm only on season 2! Who's next? Jon Snow? Drogon the dragon? LOL!

Unbelievable on Netflix seems to be a great series but VERY DIFFICULT to watch. specially that pilot / first episode. Not for the faint of heart; you've been warned, seriously warned!
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Do you stream Netti and things on your shifts? :D
Sometimes, but lately I've had enough random projects to tinker with that I just keep broadcast TV on for background noise. 12 hours talking to yourself and the conversation starts to get a little stale;). (I'm the only one there on nights and weekends unless something is broken)
I find myself watching less and less movies (as in motion pictures)! This is actually quite perplexing to me because I just love a great movie! Maybe it’s because movies take longer and as I get older, my attention span tends to get shorter and although I also binge watch series, I don’t need to invest wholesome in one specific story? Or maybe binge watching some series is equivalent to like over eating indulgences?

This will sound like sacrilege to most of you videophiles and movie buffs but I’m also not into superhero movies! I know, shocks! Eh? As a kid I used to love my supers even in those much more simplistic and unsophisticated settings as opposed to nowadays when CGI has become so life-like make belief. I dunno, maybe they’re just too busy and too noisy for my waning faculties!
Lol That is about as likely as Trudeau getting re-elected , Lorien.

I'm watching The OA and Final Space due to a recommendations from co-workers. The OA has an interesting enough storyline to keep me going, but the dialogue gets too silly at times. Final Space is just a weird, animated series like American Dad/Rick and Morty/Archer, but toned down.

As an aside, I will offer help to anyone wanting to set up kodi for semi-free streaming of all Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, etc movies & TV shows. There is a bit of a set up process and it's not as simple as "click and watch", more click, see if it loads, if it doesn't buffer, try a different connection or even different provider. A VPN would be my recommendation while running a kodi system as some ISP's (like mine) may block some provider connections, which is why i said kodi is "semi-free". My VPN is $8 CAD, which is better than a Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, etc subscription.

I will be trying episodes of Chopped. Sounds interesting.