Recommendation? What are your thoughts on Origin Blade Maker Grinder Chasis?


I like the colour.

I don't like the grinder

Go errf, esteem,

edited for spelling
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Look at the three I listed.

The chassis on the OBM is $495, while the chassis for the Esteem is $975. The EERF is a DIY build, so it's a bit different than a ready assembled chassis. I've personally never heard of the saybar and couldn't find it on google.

If you are willing/able to assemble your own, then the EERF can make for a good and solid grinder, which you can have cut out on a water-jet for not too much. Just clean up the holes on a drill press, tap some of them, then assemble and tune. I haven't used the OBM so I can't comment about it. My question is have you considered the total price once you add the motor (& VFD or pulleys) to the chassis? If you list the total you plan on spending (or are willing to) on an entire grinder setup, that might help with some other recommendations that are close to your budget.

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Here's a good video considering and reviewing the OBM chassis:

I like the upgraded black bolted model more than the yellow spot welded model as well, and I'd be willing to spend an extra $55 to go with that one, if I was indeed going to go with one of these chassis.

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I have a OBM. It works good but its nothing special. If I had to do it again I would not buy the OBM. I also have (got it after the OBM)a broadbeck Ironworks grinder that I like a lot.
If I had to buy another 1, I would make sure the motor bolts directly to the grinder frame like the brodbeck does and tw90 does for example. I like that kind of design feature a lot
You should looks at the iron creek forge diy grinder. You'll have to buy a motor still but it bolts right on the chassis. I think it's about 800 delivered but its a lot better machine. Very sturdy and run vertical and horizontal.
No one seems to mention the Ameribrade grinders when they talk about budget grinders, but they really do deserve consideration. I have two already, and have just ordered my third. The build quality is fantastic, and the grinder frame with flat platen assembly and tracking wheel starts at $554. They also have really good customer service, and seem to be building up a decent variety of accessories as well. I have the flat platen, 10 inch wheel, and small wheel set, but they say they are also working on a surface grinder attachment and a rotary platen.
I also have (got it after the OBM)a broadbeck Ironworks grinder that I like a lot.

That does look like a pretty nice chassis for $1000.

I'm a bit confused as to why or how on earth they could drive up the price an additional $1,160 just for a 2HP motor and VFD??? o_O

I would get the chassis and get my own motor and VFD, for that it looks like a good deal. :thumbsup:

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I spelled it wrong

Oh Ok, yea I remember seeing that one before. That's probably the route I would take if I ever feel the need to build another/new grinder. MY NWG with step-pulleys works well and gets me by for now, although it would definitely be nice to have direct drive with variable speed, and more precise slots rather than tube stock.. aaand the ability to grind horizontally. There are other things I still need though after all these years, mainly a portaband with table. I do wish all the grinder ideas/designs and plans & info were available back when I was building mine, I would've definitely taken a different route. Anyway, sorry for the tangent lol

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That does look like a pretty nice chassis for $1000.

I'm a bit confused as to why or how on earth they could drive up the price an additional $1,160 just for a 2HP motor and VFD??? o_O

I would get the chassis and get my own motor and VFD, for that it looks like a good deal. :thumbsup:

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I don't know why so much either. It is a good motor, Its a Lesson if I remember correctly(not in the shop right now) and the KBAC VFD. They also have a cool ass slack belt attachment that attaches right into there platen assemble. The owners are to cool dudes too that you can get intouch with in 2min through Instagram. I'm sure you can call them too. but I'm friends with them on Instagram so I just do it that way
I'm a bit confused as to why or how on earth they could drive up the price an additional $1,160 just for a 2HP motor and VFD???
KBAC Drive is minimum 350
Wiring kits and glands, cord, wire, plug, switches, are maybe a hundred more.
Motor is maybe 350

He has to pay shipping from supplier to him on both of those, maybe sales tax
that's a hundred or more.

That only leaves two hundredish for him to hook it up and make some money on it.
Not knowing your budget it is difficult to make recommendations but this is my $0.02 when it comes to grinders. What i always look for is versatility, compatibility, quality, and price. A lot of grinders have already been mentioned and most of them are very good but there are some things to take into consideration. The esteem only has one tool arm slot, for some guys that isn't an issue but with the amount of grinders available not having a secondary tool arm makes it a pass for me. Most grinders are based off the 1.5 inch tool arm system and so anything that doesn't accept that size is usually a pass for me as well. I'm not 100% sure on this but if I remember correctly the Ameribrade does not use the standard 1.5 inch size arms, but i could be wrong. Direct drive is a must, a bolt on system is favored but not required. I'd much rather work on tweaking my motor placement once and forget about it than fiddle with pulleys and drive belts. Vertical/horizontal swiveling is a MAJOR plus as well.

The esteem only has one tool arm slot, for some guys that isn't an issue but with the amount of grinders available not having a secondary tool arm makes it a pass for me.
Brett makes s secondary tool arm slot for the esteem. It's offset, so may not work in all circumstances, but worked for my set up.
No one seems to mention the Ameribrade grinders when they talk about budget grinders, but they really do deserve consideration. I have two already, and have just ordered my third. The build quality is fantastic, and the grinder frame with flat platen assembly and tracking wheel starts at $554. They also have really good customer service, and seem to be building up a decent variety of accessories as well. I have the flat platen, 10 inch wheel, and small wheel set, but they say they are also working on a surface grinder attachment and a rotary platen.

I'll second the Ameribrade. I've had mine for right at 1 year now. No issues, great people to talk to.