Where to Get Good Torx Set

Sep 5, 2005
I've bought a few tool kits that have Torx bits in them, but I need to find a good, inexpensive kit and have been looking at Amazon.com. Unfortunately, many of these kits have large Trox bits that I'll never need, plus they don't have the Torx bits I do need.

Can anyone make any recommendations. I've been looking at these:

Kit 1

Kit 2

Kit 3

Finally, what sizes are most commonly used in folders?

See post #2 in this thread:


It's what I use for the torx screws on my knives.

I think most knives will use torx sizes in the T4 - T10 ballpark. A LOT of 'em use T6 in particular.

By the way, the kits you referenced are all of the security/tamper-proof type. Not the same as what's used in the VAST MAJORITY of folding knives (in fact, I've never seen a knife using that type of bit). For knives, most use STANDARD Torx.
Only company I know that uses security torx is leatherman, my charge tti pivots for example.

Lowes and depot both have small handy sets, lots imparticular has a kobalt set that is a small driver with double ended torx stored in the handle. Cheap and handy.

Its cheap, and not great quality, but works well enough for everything I've used it for, (knife disassembly, electronics, and a few small pieces on the family VWs)
the kobalt driver works just fine, especially for about 7 bucks. it has t-4 through t-10, and 15. it also has the kobalt lifetime warranty, so if it wears out, you can take it back and get a new set.
Among the best Torx drivers are the Wiha line. Very strong stuff.

As to Benchmades, which are my main knives in the collection, the two most commonly used are the T-6 for handle and screws, and the T-10 for pivots. There are odd sized screws used on a few of the older BM models so having a full set can be valuable.
I went down to Ace Hardware and bought a couple of the individually packaged bits. They're about a $1 a piece, but since I only needed two or three sizes that I didn't already have, it definitely beat buying a whole kit.

I figure you could probably go get a torx driver there for any knife that you have and still come out spending less money than on one of these kits.
Guys , do yourself and your wallet a favor and go to Home Depot, they sell an all in one driver made by Husky for like 5$ with eight sizes all of which store inside the handle when not in use , I have had my original one for 3-4 years now. It carries easily in your toolbag , manpurse, what have you...

The others mentioned are nice and all but the extra dough is just paying for a name.
i bought a cheap set from home depot, had t handle driver, plus a micro driver with bits for like five bucks, not sure what sizes it had but it worked for the pocket clip on my spyderco stretch.
This is the set I use


Edit: didn't see this thread was 6 years old lol
wiha brand,but i had to buy both a small set 1-7 and large set 6-10 to have all the bits i use,i use only 1/4'' and use them with other handles i have in home.
Resurrected, but I have a Wiha set and the T6 twisted. Replaced it with a MAC tools T6 screwdriver thinking it was made in USA. No dice, Taiwan now. It has been fine with minimal use so far but is there a Torx set that will not twist or strip? I might add that it is probably better to strip the tool rather than the screw as far as small ones go. Any thoughts?
Harbor Freight has a nice folding set for only a couple bucks. Also the $6 folding set from Lowe's is good. Have them both and neither has ever given me trouble, but I prefer the Harbor Freight ones.
