Which Spyderco are you carrying today?

My LH Millie

This came in the mail this morning, it took me about ten seconds to think i did not like it and a little longer to decide i really did not like it, so i took a couple of pictures put it back in the box to return it in trade on a Squeak

With the anticipation of my new arrival (kiwi), I went classic, discontinued carry today.

The Sqeak came as a replacement for yesterdays SpyDK along with it a Manbug arrived from America, only took 12 days. The Sqeak will have a bath in Rit dye ,so the Manbug takes over pocket duty, i have only had it a couple of hours and it has performed brilliantly in the preparing of my "elevenses", so looking good.

Maybe I was feeling a bit Salty this morning.

Maybe I think I need a vacation on the Atlantic shore.
