Who carries/uses a MT LCC?

Feb 18, 1999
Just saw an article on it in Combat Handguns magazine. I know I'm probably a bit behind in all this, but the only MT's I've really handled were Socoms, and it's been a few years...I don't own any MT's. Although I felt the Socom quality was excellent, I wasn't too crazy about that design. But I like the looks and overall shape of the LCC.

Does anyone use this as a daily carry/work knife? For what purposes is it used, and what special care if any does it need?

Also mentioned in the article was the MSRP of $149.99 (if I remember correctly). I had always thought of MT's as extremely expensive, yet that is about a typical price for a high-end production folder of that size. It seems a lot of MT knife for the MSRP. Can anyone explain this?
I just began carrying an LCC for daily use and love it! It IS a heavy knife but the quality is outstanding and the lockup is ROCK solid. I carry it in my right rear pocket even with suit pants without a problem. You just can't expect to carry a blade that thick without some weight!
I am also pleased with edge retention and general "usability" of the blade shape. It is better suited to the mundane act of opening envelopes than many tantos and such I have carried but still maintains a "thick" blade for heavier stuff. I have not really put it to hard use but have cut up lots of boxes and cut a fair amount of rope for scouts.
Oh yeah, I have also noticed that it does not get a bad reaction like some of my "all black" tactical folders of the same size.
ONE TIP: If you get one have MT send you the solid clip (It is free and they are FAST on customer service) as the skeletonized one WILL bend!!

[This message has been edited by Jason Burns (edited 04-01-2001).]
$149 is the manual. For about $75 you can get the D/A. Great knife although I tend to open mine more with the thumbstud then the spring. The knife has been done over again and the cost has or will be going up. I don't think you will find a better knife in that price range.One thing though it is a heavy knife.
James Y--you've been away from BladeForums for a while, haven't ya? I'd bet that if you did a search for the number of posts on the MT LCC since mid-2000 and compared it to the number for any other popular knife you can think of in the same time period, the MT LCC would hands down have the most mentions. When it came out it took the knife knut community by storm. Every day brought new testimonials. They've died back a bit now, as these things do. I find the LCC too big and heavy for my own everyday carry, but there's much to admire in the near-custom-quality workmanship.
Yes, I believe the price has gone up recently and the bolsters are now aluminum rather than Ti. Still a great knife, though.

It is a bit heavy, but with it's smooth contours, it carries well, and if the need arises for heavy use, it's there for you.

I have a DA that I use as a daily carry. It's used for any task at hand (except for a screwdriver or prybar).....

People keep mentioning it's size and weight. Personally, it's size is perfect and don't experience the weighty problems that others do.......

I don't know ~ 5 oz just isn't a lot of weight to be haulin' round.

I carry one myself. I love the size. It feels like I have a real knife in my hand. I have had quite a few MT's in the past, but I like this one the most. I havn't put it through any kind of torture, but I'm sure it would take it. Great knife for the price...
I have carried and used a LCC D/A for a few weeks now. It holds a great edge for 154CM and it such a cool knife for the cash! Heavy, but Q U A L I T Y!!!

"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto

A few useful details on UK laws and some nice reviews!
Certified steel snob!
Are you telling me the LCC is being modified?

Anyway I've been carrying one for the better part of a year now. Not a days goes by without me thinking buying it was the smartest knife purchase I've made. The craftmanship is second to none.

Truly outstanding, and well designed in all the little details. If it came down to a choice between this and a Sebenza, the decision would be hard to make.

[This message has been edited by tallwingedgoat (edited 04-01-2001).]
I've been carrying an LCC M/A, plain edge, stonewashed since I got it on Feb 20th. I use it for all daily cutting tasks which include food prep, cutting cardboard, nylon airline hose, zip ties, etc. The blade geometry makes for an excellent cutting tool. I find it's size and weight to be a virtue. I like a knife that fills my hand, and the weight inspires a feelng of strength and solidity. The knife fits easily in my front right pocket, or the tool pocket of my carpenter jeans. I've had no trouble from the original skeletonized pocket clip.

I got a Gen 4 D/A in last Friday, and haven't put IT down since
I love that KER-THWACK! of the blade opening.
BEWARE of the LCC's, though. If you get one and like it, you'll want more
If you don't like it, you can give it to me
It's certainly not a knife for everyone, but then again no knife is...

I carry a LCC M/A everyday. I usually don't use it that hard, most days it just opens mail and packages. I work on a farm every now and then and I use it to cut rope, feed bags, and things like that. I really like the feel of the handle, it is very comfortable to me. I think if you get one that you will be happy with it.