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Why not a Khukri magazine?

Oct 20, 2000
With all the interest in khukris and khukri related items in recent years, I would have thought that by now there would be a full fledged magazine catering solely to khukri collectors and fans.

I have asked myself this many times: Why not?
Surely, judging from the interested generated in the khukri forums, there must be enough people out there to make the magazine a viable project, even if it comes out quarterly.

Do I hear any ayes out there?

Make Love your strongest weapon. Compassion your shield and forgiveness your armour.
Honestly, I'd rather check into the cantina than read something. The folks around here are more fun than a 'zine.

The pictures might be nice, though.
Here's a couple of pix.


Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Archives (33,000 + posts)
Himalayan Imports Shopping Site

[This message has been edited by Bill Martino (edited 04-25-2001).]
One word...archive.
Much faster and it is free.
Free means more money for Kuk's...think of it that way.
If you would like a virtual magazine, I can offer to host it in my site at no cost, as I have offered for a similar project before my site went down and I have to spend a lot of time taking care of it, last week. Now everything is ok and I would love to retake the project. Something complimentary to Howard's FAQ but more informal, quicker and also a place to buy/sell/trade khukuris and related itens.
Feel free to contact me about it. I am no HTML pro but we can get something done.
By the way, if you couldn't see it at the frist time, it is working, now. www.cutelariahoje.com.br

Ivan Campos
Full-time knifemaker...finally!

Maui Rob, simmer down.

John Powell, when is your book going into publication?

"Let us consider that we are all partially insane. It will explain us to each other." Mark Twain


Your memoirs, "The Khukuri Manual", "Concise History of the Origins and Development of the Khukuri", "The Book of the Khukuri", "Small Import Business Survival Guide", "See It and Say It in Nepalese", "U.S. Customs Quips", "The Nevada I Knew" should really put a shine on those Golden Years.

"To Know and to Act are One"
Don't call them Golden Years -- that's a bunch of BS. Example: Just three days ago I was eating a taco and one of my teeth fell out. Now I look like a gray haired and gray bearded (beard is to protect my face from the sun and try to stop even more sun spots which make my look like the gray haired leopard man) jack o lantern. Little kids start crying when they see me because I look so damned scary. That ain't golden -- or anything else even close.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Archives (33,000 + posts)
Himalayan Imports Shopping Site
All that is gold does not glisten.

Sounds like you've got a pretty good shine on already.

"To Know and to Act are One"
Try not to shine too brightly, but thank God for those little things like Heineken Time.
I used to pole-vault out of bed in the morning- now I just sort of fall amid creaking sounds. Did you check that tooth to see if it had a gold filling or not? Might be a keeper.

"To Know and to Act are One"
I just lost another part of one of mine as well Bro, not more than 2 weeks ago.
I don't have any partials, but Barb and me both really need them, but we do pretty dayumed well with what we have and gum the rest of the food into submission.

And I for one would rather still be healthy and working than in the shape I'm in.
The only way I got it figured is that they call these the Golden Years because it takes a lot of Gold in order to stay half way fixed up.

If it wasn't for my med bill's I could have a lot more khukuris and guns. And a really nice fleet of fast cars!!!!!!


Indin word for lousy hunter.