
I saw the X-Y coordinate thing,but
do you operate that thing by hand,
like a drill press,or is it motorized and you tell it to
go to X=... Y=... and it moves itself?
Side. To side. X. I have a power feed,, any thing else I'm crankin handles,, it has no computer. All manual..
so up/down and front to back is manual
I bet you can do this too,,,,

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Badass, J!!! You know, I just heard that song a couple weeks back.....Thanks for the reminder that I need to get some o that:thumbup:

Cant wait to see the final result bro.

cool video I like seeing the mill in action... and the knife? oh man,, thats sweet
Nice to see things are , "normal'' somewhere!

That is a great video of the mill J, really one of the coolest things you supply use with, these videos,... in my opinion of course.

KOL is bad jam, Its what I have in my truck, which is where my amps are, I just love the whole personal concert hall concept, don't have to worry about anyone elase.