• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

    User Name
    Serial number request

Yangdu's Christmas Specials for 12/14 -- Great selection at great prices. Pix.

Mar 5, 1999





l to r

Beautifully done 30 inch 34 ounce sword by Bura which he calls the "Guru Nana Sword." Really nice rig. Excellent chandan handle. 5 minutes rust removal at tip. $195 UBBB++

18.5 inch 26 ounce khukuri called "Dui Chora" by Bura which means, I think, something like second son. Beautiful chandan handle. Small tools handled with USA antler. Great work. $150 and another UBBB++

16.5 inch 25 ounce village Ak by Kumar. Field ready or polish it up to HI standards. Either way it's a fine rig. $70 UBBB

14 inch 18 ounce BDC by Kumar. Only one. Great chandan handle. $95 UBBB

16 inch 23 ounce village style BGRS by Bura. A real bargain at $65

16.5 inch 22 ounce village style WWII by Kumar. Another steat at $70

15 inch 21 ounce village BAS by Kumar. Great stocking stuffer. $60 UBBB
HA HA HA 1st one in...

Dagnabit...I'm broke. Who will be the lucky one for the Sword?
That sword is a beauty. I'm sure it will go pretty quickly. The BDC looks nice too, although the detailed photo wouldn't come up..
Wow. Bura has made us a Yataghan. Nice sword. Nice wood on everything today. The BDC is too sweet. That village WWII is one heck of a deal.

and all in 15 minutes!

nice stuff all, but that BDC... that is the perfect "carry size" khuk, and a beauty... he who ponders, loses out... only real fear of my bills kept me from pulling the trigger on that most beautiful BDC... congrats, whomever


HEY!... i'm bleeding! one of y'all nicked me in the shark tank! :eek:

Aye, chihuahua....
I'm planning on writing a firefox extension which will alert me whenever UB posts a new thread (since with high probability, new threads by UB are deal threads).
Okay...who wants to go in halves with me on the sword? I'll even keep the sword at my house and you can go ahead and hang onto the beautiful scabbard!
Nasty said:
Okay...who wants to go in halves with me on the sword? I'll even keep the sword at my house and you can go ahead and hang onto the beautiful scabbard!

What are the visitation right like? :confused: ;)
Christmas time, when all the money goes to kids and wife...
not to mention to Christmas kids' birthdays.

Great Sword though!