You have expensive folders, i know but...

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Jun 16, 2011
show me the cheapo you've been carrying :D

Cheapo is in the eyes of the beholder. My cheapo is a Vic SAK.

Added: If you are happy carrying the modern cheapo, by all means do so. I could see carrying a Rough Rider slippie and they are inexpensive (typically less expensive than my SAK). Some would say that life is too short to carry a cheapo if you're a knife knut.
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This RAT 2 is pretty nice. With custom scales and titanium deep-carry clip I paid $45 for it, about the cost of a Millit clip for the Sebenza.

Whew! I'd carry a rat that pimped out!

My personal cheapy knife is either a dragonfly or a cold steel Tuff lite.
I don't do expensive folders as I currently don't seek any potential benefits they may or may not offer, so rather than post everything I'll just stick to this week's EDC.

Sebenza clone. We don't Condon clones here. Please take it somewhere else.
I agree, obvious clones or design copies do not fly with me neither. Sanrenmu has made some unique designs but this one is not even trying to be disguised by some differences in appearance. I would not buy that knife and I do not support direct copying of something to the detriment of the original designer/producer.

But.... I am not so righteous to tell someone here to do something as if I represent the whole of the forums.
My guilty pleasure - purchased new, way back when. I've purged most of the "modern" folders I had from that era; but every time I was putting things on the chopping block, I slid this into my pocket for safekeeping.

Kershaw Injection 3.0 and 3.5. Spent less than $25 for the pair. Best value on the market.
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