Your worst dreams.......

I can see something moving under the skin of my foot, under the sole... it's a big fat worm, like an earth-worm, digging tunnels in my flesh. I get a knife and open up a hole, grab the slippery bastard and try to pull it out. Halfway out I lose hold of it, and it quickly goes back into my foot and disappears.
Then I see more movement, lost of it.. I start carving with my knife. There's no blood, and I realise, and it scares the sh*t out of me, that my foot is completely hollow, just full of worms and bugs. The remaining pieces of skin crumble and fall off, and it's worse, it's my whole leg! etc etc. Scary.
Sometimes it's my face, or my arm.
Another reoccuring dream is the classic teeth-falling-out-dream. Another one is running around in school with my books trying to find my classroom...
That's as bad as some of my worst dreams,
which, fortunely only happen every 5 or 10 years or so.
Mine usually involve either Wolves or Big Cats (Lions or Tigers, never a Jaguar or Puma for some reason) There is a barrier between us but if they think about it enough or I draw attention to them they can come round and get me. The other is being back in the Army, having some sort of inspection and finding half of my kit is missing. Sometimes I have the naked thing in public but not as often as the killer beasts one. :D
The worst nightmare I ever had was....I was sitting in my stalled car under a street light, in the middle of a field , with a bunch of one eyed monkeys trying to get in. :confused:
