You're saying that wrong...

How about people who misspell knife here? I've seen "knive" and "knifes" many times. I'm not even referring to the people posting from non-English speaking countries.
The way Americans say the word router when talking about computers...
On computer side of things how about the entire world choosing to pronounce the extension .gif with a G sound instead of a J sound and this use across most forms of words with the prefix "Giga"
Believe it or not I've actually caught myself doing "knifes before", now mind you it was only a typo, and I am pretty sure I caught it before hitting send each time, but I don't know for sure.

On computer side of things how about the entire world choosing to pronounce the extension .gif with a G sound instead of a J sound

Ah, the arbitrary, counterintuitive and nonsensical pronunciation that Steve Wilhite decreed for the Graphics Interchange Format file extension. His insistence that anyone pronounce "GIF" like "JIF" is pure and simple trolling in my opinion, and I refuse to comply. :)

and this use across most forms of words with the prefix "Giga"

Despite gigabyte having two hard G sounds in English, French speakers correctly pronounce "gigagbyte" with a soft first G, and a hard second G, in their own language, as demonstrated here:

To be correct, they should use two hard Gs when speaking English, but but how often do people get the accents right for a language other than their native one?
David Mary David Mary I am similarly viewed on the pronunciation of GIF given it came decades after it became commonly pronounced making it a silly a futile "correction" but it does have basis in being pronounced as such. I also really don't care about how people pronounce "giga" I just am amused by the inconsistency.
I need a pick me up. Time for a cup of go.... hey that actually kind of works haha
I don't notice much when other people say it, but I say garter....
That's getting jiggy with it. 😆
I think there's no need to say "do" or "is" twice in a row.

"What I do do..." is redundant way of trying to say what is perfectly well accomplished by just saying "what I do...".

"What it is is..." is likewise a redundant way of saying: "It is...". One person I knew was so habitual with this last one that he would actually start a lot of sentence with "what it is is", then he would pause to gather his thoughts, and continue with "is that...." so he actually was saying "is" three time in a row.
removed for language and violent content not desired in this sub forum
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...and then there is the tendency these days to add - ALITY - to words that simply don't need it.

• FUNCTION - is not improved or made more precise by the addition of the suffix - ALITY :thumbsdown:
• POTENTIAL - potentiALITY :thumbsdown:
• DIRECTION - directionALITY :thumbsdown:
• INTENTION - intentionALITY :thumbsdown:

The potentiality of it - trying to sound smarter by being less, has the unintentionally of embarrassing yourself. :rolleyes:
"Utilize" instead of "use": What the heck?
I find it annoying these days that whenever you don't automatically and instantly agree with everything so called "progressives' think you are an instant card carrying member of the German Nazi party....somehow.
"Progressivism" is often quite close-minded when it encounters a difference of opinion.
Definatly, definately, or (lol!) defiantly. Definitely. Note the total absence of the letter A in the correct spelling.