Photos A Walk in Nature

Not yet at full maturity, yet already delights the visitor with its eponymous fragrance…



I ran into some of the “local color” again on my way back home from the woods - the ne’er-do-well who cuts my folks’ grass, and his helper. He asked me what I was up to, and I said I was out looking for somebody to beat up with this stick I found, and that he seemed to be a likely candidate.

He impeded traffic on the neighborhood street for a few minutes with his landscaping rig, while we chatted about our elderly parents and nursing homes and such.
It's seems like he got off easy.

That stick looks like it could be a nice cane or walking stick depending on it's size.
It's seems like he got off easy.

That stick looks like it could be a nice cane or walking stick depending on it's size.
It’s cane-length :thumbsup:

I found a nice walking stick, too. I used it to beat my way through the sticker bushes, and to steady myself while tiptoeing across logs and rocks to cross creeks and mud holes (the things I do to keep up that bit about skunk cabbage RayseM RayseM and I have going…). I left it at the park entrance for the next guy, though. I have WAY to many walking sticks waiting to be carved already 🤣:rolleyes:.
It’s cane-length :thumbsup:

I found a nice walking stick, too. I used it to beat my way through the sticker bushes, and to steady myself while tiptoeing across logs and rocks to cross creeks and mud holes (the things I do to keep up that bit about skunk cabbage RayseM RayseM and I have going…). I left it at the park entrance for the next guy, though. I have WAY to many walking sticks waiting to be carved already 🤣:rolleyes:.
Sounds like quite the adventure! I had not heard of skunk cabbage before now. I will not lie, I thought it was a euphemism for marijuana at first. Reduce, reuse, recycle helps keep the planet alive, good on you!
Diana and I went for a nice walk this afternoon.
A very welcomed break from the stresses of life.


The forest floor is getting covered with a green carpet while the sunshine is still able to reach it.
We found the first little wildflowers blooms opening up :)







I brought along and used for the first time in my life my new Gomboy 210 Silky Saw with medium teeth.

I had agonized, as I always do when presented with too many choices, as to which saw to buy.
I was torn between the Pocketboy 170 and the Gomboy 210.

In the end I went for the Gomboy 210 to bring aboard Serena to be able to cut driftwood and dry fallen logs for fires on the beach.
I had ordered the yellow one with large teeth however I cancelled the ordered and went with medium teeth.
If I was backpacking I would have ordered the slightly smaller PocketBoy 170.

First time using it :) I was impressed :thumbsup: :cool:


I am a risk taker, what can I say :D

Following the example of illustrious members of this thread I left a walking stick at the head of the trail on our way out :)

An upland area I passed thru on yesterday's Meadow Mosey.


The edges are of course the most active for wildlife.


Since it was nearly noon, all I encountered was one woodchuck and some song birds. Still, it was enjoyable and a place I'll keep in mind for future picnics.

Almost forgot, these were in my pocket throughout the day.

Rode my bike to the trail which goes around a local reservoir this morning. It was cool and cloudy when I left, and raining lightly as I biked home.



So many sticks, and no way to bring them home with me…

I used the Fieldmaster to strip the remaining bark off this other stick I found while walking, and to neaten up the ends. Hopefully somebody makes use of it.
January 2024, Louisiana, where they are rare to see. It took a long time for me to do this.
Many missed , or she was too far away. Then, one day, early.
She didn't see me.
I was carrying an Arno Bernard, Wild Dog- Giraffe Bone.
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Rode my bike to the trail which goes around a local reservoir this morning. It was cool and cloudy when I left, and raining lightly as I biked home.



So many sticks, and no way to bring them home with me…

I used the Fieldmaster to strip the remaining bark off this other stick I found while walking, and to neaten up the ends. Hopefully somebody makes use of it.
You mean you didn't want to ride home with a stick like a modern day jouster?

That ride sounds idyllic by the way.
You mean you didn't want to ride home with a stick like a modern day jouster?
Haha! I’m self-conscious enough just WALKING with a stick, but yes, I did consider it…

Swiss army knives and walking sticks, along with fly fishing vests and hats, cargo pants, etc., have always seemed a little silly to me, and yet here I find myself adopting the first two at least into my lifestyle. I think I need to just admit to myself that I am in fact the type of eccentric character that would ride the old mountain bike he modified back from the park while carrying a 6ft long stick he found and thought was neat. I know my coworkers would expect no less of me, but I still have to act normal when out in public with my wife…

That ride sounds idyllic by the way.
The ride to and from the lake was mostly through suburban neighborhood streets, actually, but peaceful enough on a drizzly Saturday morning.
I enjoyed revisiting the latest entries again, this time on my PC where I could appreciate the pictures a lot better on its big screen.

Today Diana and I went on a walk by the St Lawrence river.

I brought along my new to me boat knife courtesy of J Just Tom. :thumbsup: :cool: so its edge could taste the mighty St Lawrence waters for the first time :)

May afternoon by the river

Earlier this week Serena enjoyed a water massage LOL and she is raring to get going this season ( boat knife as well ) :cool:
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An easy 8-mile stroll along the canal this morning:






Dropped a few walking sticks off at the parking area for another, hillier, trail on my way back home:

I ALMOST got a chickadee shot - one landed on the fence right next to me, looked at me for a second, but flew away before I could get my phone out…
Howdy folks :)

Just back from our 4 day, 160 km "Shakedown Cruise" for 2024.

I brought along two knives , my Pampa Verijero and my Victorinox Pioneer X.
I only had to use my Victorinox twice in the four days. One time to open a can of beans and the other to cut a rope but that was it.
I wish I could say otherwise but opportunities to use my knives are not as frequent as I wish they were.



I am certain this is the same snapping turtle I encountered last year










Howdy folks :)

Just back from our 4 day, 160 km "Shakedown Cruise" for 2024.

I brought along two knives , my Pampa Verijero and my Victorinox Pioneer X.
I only had to use my Victorinox twice in the four days. One time to open a can of beans and the other to cut a rope but that was it.
I wish I could say otherwise but opportunities to use my knives are not as frequent as I wish they were.



I am certain this is the same snapping turtle I encountered last year










Beautiful country to start the year on.
Thanks for sharing these