An awesome David Mary regrind!

Daniel L

Gold Member
Nov 2, 1998
I just got my knives back from David - a long journey from Singapore to Ontario and back!

I love the Williams OZF folder as its slim, light and looks cool - but the factory edge is literally a wedge. David measured at 0.04” BTE with a narrow saber grind. Cutting performance sucked and I was thinking of selling it – but not any more!!


The CRKT Yukanto fixed blade is a limited edition that I got from James Williams directly with the Veff serrations added. Same story, thick primary bevel and almost 0.04” BTE.

After some email back and forth, we decided to keep the original bevels and convert it a flex-convex zero edge. I don’t do hard cutting with either so no danger. I’m sure the M390 steel on the folder was a PITA to grind 😊

The regrind is FANTASTIC and I am super impressed with David’s work. Way sharper than before and I hit the edges with my strop – now these knives shave and slice paper easily.

THANK YOU David Mary David Mary for outstanding service and speedy turn around!