Another ball bearings damascus

Mar 26, 2004

Ball bearings (52100), holed layers of 1010 (0.5mm thick) from a window shielding and layers of 1085 (0.5mm thick) to make the damascus and a modified steel pipe to work as container, encapsulating the different steels. Measures for the container are 1 1/4"x1 1/4 x 4"


I use the holes to place the ball bearing and keep them in place, and I alternate the layers until I get the final one in 1085 (3rd picture)



I weld the cover of the steel pipe (electric welding) before placing the container in the oven.

Final results after acid bath.




Sweet! You sure as hell are creative. I seem to like all the knives you've been coming out with.

I'm really looking forward to placing another order with you in the future.
Thanks for all the helpful tips and info you have brought you really brought all the cool stuff and difficult for a newbie like me to the forfront and demistifyed it.
Awesome. I really like the way you come up with different ways to do things.
I'm sure a lot of makers also like that you show how it's done.
Wow! I want a house out of that! :eek:

I hates to be the kind of knifemaker that gives a knifemaker a complement, and then imediately asks that knifemaker for a favor, but I gots to be that kind of knifemaker:

So after the oven, did you put it in a press?
No, just a heavy hammer, a vise and time.
I use a torch to keep the vise hot as it would cold the piece.

I bought a hydraulic press 2 days ago as I want to do this technique with a large knife, and without a press I'd be doomed.

Begs the question could you get the same results using a piece of iron pipe?
My thoughts:
2' long 1" iron pipe leave a cap screwed in place on one end.
Heat and beat it closed (Leaving small vent hole) about 6" back
Square up the pipe within 2" from the cap
Remove the cap and fill with your choice of materials
Heat and mangle flat with the biggest hammer you have
Question #2: What would weld up the easiest and give great contrast?
Question#3: Could it be filled with powdered steel and where could you get some?

Ariel was here on Friday explaining this method to me and he brang a piece of steel pipe he uses for this too.

I took a picture of it but I forgot the USB cable on my father's office, so I won't be getting it til this next week.

It was a piece of steep pipe hammered to be closed on one side and cutted like a squid on the other end to be able to open after the heating.

Ariel also told me he uses two thin layers of stainless steel against the inner walls of the container to prevent the steels to weld agains the can.

I have a huge tutorial on how Ariel makes damascus that I'm adding to his website as soon as I can retrieve this damsn pictures of the camera.

As far as questions #2 and 3, you'll have to wait till Ariel answers those :D


As Nestor told you, I made a similar process with a 30cm long pipe, so I guess you wouldn't have a problem with a 60cm one.

You can get a nice contrast with a steel with a good quantity of carbon and one that has nickel (1095 and L6 for instance)

I never worked with powdered steels, and quite frankly, I don't even know where to get them here so for the States I'm clueless.

