Anti corrosion products for M16 blade?

Hi folks – I just received my CRKT M16 and I wonder whether I need to do anything to “treat” the bead blasted finish of it’s AUS-8 blade…In Dexter Ewing’s review (here on the bladeforums website in the faq/reviews section) of the CRKT M-16, he mentions that it would be a good idea to apply some “Tuf- Cloth” to the blade as he suspects it may otherwise corrode, etc. Does anyone know what this stuff is? I’ve never heard of this product and wondered if there is a similar one available to me locally in Western Canada.

I intend to use my knife to cut up food from time to time so I want to make sure I don’t apply something to the blade that would contaminate food. I am also concerned that the content of some foods like acidic fruit juice, etc might accelerate corrosion or staining. Thanks for any help you may be able to offer. Jeff/1911.

The Dexter Ewing review itself is at:

Tuf-Cloth and its accompanying tough-glide are great products, I hear. They go on moist, but dry in seconds, forming a dry crystaline barrier of corrosion protection. Also, I've heard it won't contaminate food. A tuf-cloth goes for between $7 and $8 at some leading online knife stores. Tuf-glide (a liquid used to keep the tuf-cloth moist) is a little more expensive, but a tuf-cloth lasts quite a while before needing a "refill", I've heard. Do a search on tuf-cloth and you should find many more answers. Good luck!
If you are going to cut food with the knife, I would recommend mineral oil from the the drug store.

K Williams

Gold Member
Nov 17, 1998
Tuff-Cloth will stop further rusting on your CRKT blades. I use it on my Point Guard.
Thank you all for your help. I'll get some mineral oil for now, and see if I can track down some Tuf-Cote. Andrew; I found it right away by searching with Webcrawler. Jeff/1911.