Are knife laws enforced?

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Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2023
I’ve been seeing quite a bit of talk on knife laws lately and have a few questions. I live in NOLa and as far as I know we really don’t have any knife restrictions that I’m aware of, although I’m sure they’re some, like ya can’t just go walking in the french quarter with a machete and maybe some restrictions on open carry of a fixed blade’s length. Neither of which I carry so I don’t have any reason for concern.

So my question for those with strict knife laws, are they enforced?

If a cop notices you walking down the street with a pocket knife clipped to the inside of your pocket will they stop and ask to check it?

Do you knife nuts follow the laws regardless if they’re enforced or not.

Has anyone ever been stopped just because a cop saw a knife clip sticking out of their pocket?

Do cop’s even have that authority to stop someone just to ck their pocket knife?

Aren’t there limits against search n seizure without a reason or is just having that clip on the outside of your pocket enough for them to stop n frisk?

Has anyone been fined or even arrested for carrying an illegal knife?

Are knife laws enforced in your car or home? If so how and what are your experiences?

Just seems to me enforcement of knife laws would rarely happen and if so they have their eyes on you for other reasons. I would think it would only be a problem if you were caught doing something else (traffic stop, dwi) and it would just be another charge they throw on you.

However, I admittedly don’t have a clue and I must admit I’m probably a little naive when it comes to cops in other areas because here they’re so overwhelmed and understaffed that they don’t even do traffic stops anymore. So to get the attention of the cops you’re in some trouble already.

Interested to hear everyone’s experiences. Don’t want to get into all the different laws per se but rather are and how they’re enforced and how you deal with them.
I don't know much about this, but I carried autos for many years in my youth when working. At the time, they were illegal where I live. I "knew a guy" that neglected to make a copy of any relevant paperwork when he sold them to me. Benchmades for the most part.

It was pure practicality. When I'm wearing gloves and need a knife in hand to pry something or cut something while holding something else with my off-hand, an auto is just faster and easier to open. I never had any trouble with the law. That said, I would make sure that I left them elsewhere when visiting Gov't buildings.

Now that they are legal in my area, I'm hoovering them up again.
You'll get so many answers to this it's ridiculous. Every state is different. Some states have preemption, others don't. It can literally change from town to town.

Asking if people follow the law, it's never wise to admit on the internet you break the law.
Growing up, Texas was rough about the knife laws. I was an law enforcement officer half my life. Usually, when you were busted carrying an illegal knife. It was during the search after an arrest. So if you were caught stealing something. An illegal knife was found before you were placed in the car. Extra charge.

But Glory be. Texas got rid of all the nonsense. Carry a sword if you want. Brass knuckles too. Everything you can imagine in a knife is 100% legal.

But if you decide to carry a sword. People are going to think you're retarded. Also wondering if there's some Renaissance fair going on.

It's not scary anymore. All those stupid 1980's movies showing Rambo knives. Just doesn't have the same effect it did.

Besides, by my guess, 4 out 10 people carry a gun. It's probably more like 7 out of 10.

No one gives a damn about your knife.
In the states that do have more limitations the thing is if you go somewhere that has a metal detector in use for some reason you might be in a fix if you do have a restricted knife. Or if you get stopped for some other reason and they check you thats the risky part. Also other high alert areas like schools, courthouses and such places where they might scan as you're at the entrance.

Otherwise if you aren’t flashing it around or making it obvious you have a big bad knife they would probably never ask. I know I went to a state that had knife restrictions I was unaware of until a few weeks later. All the time I was there I was carrying a blade a good bit over the legal limit. I had even visited with a cop and security at the state fair and they never said a word or asked. It probably depends on the state and just how gungho the cops are.
In the EU we have restrictions on blade size and I usually follow them. When I have to carry a larger knife, I just keep it in a bag or backpack, not clipped to my pocket. I think the govt adopted this legislation only to conform to the EU central planner autocracy, but no cop ever approached, fined or arrested me, or anyone I know for having a knife.
You'll get so many answers to this it's ridiculous. Every state is different. Some states have preemption, others don't. It can literally change from town to town.

Asking if people follow the law, it's never wise to admit on the internet you break the law.
I’m not asking for all the different state laws, just peoples experiences with the laws they have to deal with and how they’re enforced and followed.

It’s exactly this sentiment of asking if people follow their state laws I find ridiculous, not asking if anyone has robbed a bank or how many murders they’ve committed 😉
They are in NYC.
In California where I live any knife over 4 inches must be worn on the exterior, goes for both fixed and folding
Outside of this cops don't generally care, now using it for self defense creates a whole new outlook all of a sudden and everything regarding the knife becomes overly scrutinized and what was originally legal somehow becomes borderline not.
In the states that do have more limitations the thing is if you go somewhere that has a metal detector in use for some reason you might be in a fix if you do have a restricted knife. Or if you get stopped for some other reason and they check you thats the risky part. Also other high alert areas like schools, courthouses and such places where they might scan as you're at the entrance.

Otherwise if you aren’t flashing it around or making it obvious you have a big bad knife they would probably never ask. I know I went to a state that had knife restrictions I was unaware of until a few weeks later. All the time I was there I was carrying a blade a good bit over the legal limit. I had even visited with a cop and security at the state fair and they never said a word or asked. It probably depends on the state and just how gungho the cops are.
Same here, I make sure not to bring a knife to venues I know don’t allow them.
In the EU we have restrictions on blade size and I usually follow them. When I have to carry a larger knife, I just keep it in a bag or backpack, not clipped to my pocket. I think the govt adopted this legislation only to conform to the EU central planner autocracy, but no cop ever approached, fined or arrested me, or anyone I know for having a knife.
Interesting, perfect example. I don’t know that I would follow them if there was little to no risk of being bothered by the police. And of course I’m not out committing other crimes as well.

I respect that you do, curious as to why?
So em at the show, I’m ok without a knife for a few hours when needed.
They are in NYC.
In California where I live any knife over 4 inches must be worn on the exterior, goes for both fixed and folding
Outside of this cops don't generally care, now using it for self defense creates a whole new outlook all of a sudden and everything regarding the knife becomes overly scrutinized and what was originally legal somehow becomes borderline not.
So nyc a cop will stop you and ask to see your pocket knife?
So nyc a cop will stop you and ask to see your pocket knife?
I've heard that if they see a pocket clip they will. How often that happens, I don't know. I haven't lived or worked there in years.
I've heard that if they see a pocket clip they will. How often that happens, I don't know. I haven't lived or worked there in years.
Wow, just seems crazy to me. And I suppose seeing the clip, they have the right to check it huh
Wow, just seems crazy to me. And I suppose seeing the clip, they have the right to check it huh
I won't pretend to know what is considered reasonable suspicion and probable cause in NYC anymore. (When I worked there, it was on the federal side, so stop and frisk wasn't part of my regular activity absent cause.)
NYC pocket clips are no go because the knife needs to concealed if I understand the law correctly. This includes pouches and cases. No Leatherman's in cases either. And if you mention it could be for self defense it could be used against you because you admit you are carrying a weapon. NY is absolutely terrible.
If I am going somewhere where it’s frowned upon (like a concert or a ball game, etc), or I know I’m going to be searched I will leave my knife in the car. I’m not even 100% sure on my local knife laws, but I don’t do anything illegal, I’m a pretty boring guy these days lol…
And I’m pretty sure, if you are on your way to work & will be using the knife for work related purposes (which I do), I think they would be pretty lax.
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