Are things ok over at KAI usa?

Apr 4, 2007
Hopefully someone of authority will put my mind at ease. I had some warranty issues that I was working out with Jimmer_5 and all of a sudden he hasnt been posting or returning emails. I figured he was just busy but this has been going on for almost 2 weeks now. I also noticed he hasnt been posting at all on the forum. The oddest part though is that my most recent email to him just got returned with a failure to deliver notice. Anyone know if everything is ok?
weird. I sent him a pm about a factory tour and never heard back and I haven't seen Kai Corp post in a while either.
That's a good question. I haven't seen either of the sub forum mods posting later either. I doubt it's serious though. Maybe we're about to have a new realese and everyone's swamped. :thumbup: :D

edited to add:
I just looked, KAI corp.s last activity was last night and jimmer_5 was logged on this morning. Weird.
I saw Kai Corp. post in General yesterday. I'm sure they're just busy with all the upcoming releases.
I personally wouldn't worry about it. I mean who are we to ask, honestly. I'd say lets just move along, they'll post when they get around to it. :thumbup:
Vacations, and lot's of out of the office going on as of late.

It's comforting to know the forum is running fine with lite mod duty. Appreciate.
Vacations, and lot's of out of the office going on as of late.

It's comforting to know the forum is running fine with lite mod duty. Appreciate.

That was what I was going to say...this is usually vacation season. My office is a ghost-town for the month of August...skeleton crew!
Vacations, and lot's of out of the office going on as of late.

It's comforting to know the forum is running fine with lite mod duty. Appreciate.

Vacations, eh? Well no wonder the new releases are taking so long :mad:

Enjoy guys
I mean who are we to ask, honestly. I'd say lets just move along, :

Just a concerned customer who had steady contact with someone and then it was tumble weeds with no notice. When that happens the common emotion to go along with that is one of concern. And in such times I feel its perfectly acceptable to ask so that I don't sit and worry. There was no ill intent in my asking.
Vacations, and lot's of out of the office going on as of late.

It's comforting to know the forum is running fine with lite mod duty. Appreciate.

That's a relief! I thought Thomas W. found out you guys were posting here and started taking scalps.
A vacation is when you go somewhere...and you don't ever ever come back. :D