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Art Sigmon is only the second person I ever had a problem with here at bladeforums.

He kept giving the run around, flat out lied about shipping the item, and only after I told him to forget it and keep the money and the item did he finally send anything at all.

He's a worthless POS in my opinion.
mike_mck2 said:
He's a worthless POS in my opinion.

I venture to say that your opinion is not shared by the vast majority of BladeForum members that have had dealings with Art.
Art is having alot of problems of late in paying those he owes.

But as in the past he does get stuff straightened out eventually.

He just needs time as he is dealing with some serious personal issues.

He certainly is not a POS!!!!!
I had several good trades and/or sales with Artsig in the past. I just can't believe that he is intentionally trying to screw anyone over.
I've bought from Art a number of times. He's certainly not the fastest or most communicative guy on the forums - but I've always (eventually) received my stuff.
Mike: I'm with Wolfmann here, you might be taking it way too far by saying that. I'm sure that hes got good reasons for whats going on right now it's just nobody has heard of him for maybe a week or more.

He has had a lot of problems lately, personal health, marriage, and recently had valuables stolen.

He will make it right, give him a break.
mike_mck2 said:
He's a worthless POS in my opinion.

This was definitely a post worthy of being on an ignore list, if ever I saw one. :thumbdn:
ARt is def. in over his head here IMHO....the # of people(MANY) owned at this point is MOUNTing, and so are the Dollar amounts! I do believe at this point from the number of people posting "elsewhere" and with the stated $ amounts owed!, That its more sig. than just I. More like someone whom let hard times is get the best of em!!! Unfortunately I for one, have been more than patient and supportive for Art, frankly to this point it has still cost me $$$ which is unacceptable. Its just NOT RIGHT, especially to do it to those whom have stood by you . I sincerely wish him the best BUTTT now am only interest in recooping the Funds owed to me, and will persure whatever legal means necessay to do so. Im sure Art if put in my shoes would handle it the same way.

Without getting into details Roshi, I assure you I have given him many a "break" prior to posting, seriously, the UNtruth's are now starting to pile up. Again if the above issues you mentioned (which I am aware of in detail) were the ONLY problems all would be well by now. I dont want to go into specifics and make this worse for him BUT there are "other" issues here. Im sure Art will chime in here at SOME point with explaination? BUT its truly NOT needed, just a firm refund date, even if regardless of when?, no excuses. Again I hope all works out smoothly.

It is sad when a respected mamber of this forum goes through circumstances that could have a very bad effect on his reputation. Hopefully Art will find a way out of the problems he is facing, and everyone will get what they are owed.

Loandr, I am sure that you have given Art a great deal of leeway. Even what you have posted here shows that you are unwilling to start the bashing that usually accompanies these kinds of threads. You should get what you are owed, and if you don't then you should take what legal actions that you can to try to recoup your losses. Hopefully it won't come to that.
Thanks Keith, ARt is No newcomer and deserves the bene. of the doubt. WE all do, till, a certain point. Note, MY item in specific was listed several places FS and others stated, "they would take it", AFTER I did, I contacted them(W/O disclosing issues :) as this started to evolve ,and was told that Mr. Sigmon Promptly told them the Item Had been SOLD sorry but thank you! NOT the act of a theif OR scammer by any means! ,as such would most likely have taken All monies and ran. But not the case. IMHO still unacceptable especially with the Sit. of people owed, going back much further than mine, and I can not speak for them. While i feel bad i felt this thread was needed. Im sure all will work out, one way or another. Thanks again.
My opinion of the guy is based solely on how he acted when I dealt with him, from my personal experience.
My dealings with him were in 2003, and I see now that he has not changed much, if at all, in 2 years.

Being that he is only one of two people I have ever had a problem with after hundredes of transactions on this forum alone, and that he finally disgusted me enough that I told him to keep the money and the item, yeah, he's a POS in my opinion.

I don't care how long he has been here or how many posts he has, he is what he is.
I thought he got an insurance check, minus the deductible for the stuff stolen from his vehicle and sold some land.

I have a near and dear friend addicted to Pain meds that is in the very same boat with owing far more than he is able to repay and says he has all this money coming in.

sadly it never comes and we friends keep believing him that it will.
art will make it right.

calling him a POS is another way of saying he's worthless as a human being. taking away a man's value in your mind is like taking a man's life in your mind. it speaks of poor character. anyone who reads you post can see that art has screwed up big time as of late and has alot of catching up to do to restore his reputation. that give you no right to say what you said. there's no reason to take it to that level.

art owes you money. you both owe each other an apology.
calling him a POS is another way of saying he's worthless as a human being. taking away a man's value in your mind is like taking a man's life in your mind.

Uh, no it's not. Not even close.

art owes you money. you both owe each other an apology.

No, he does not owe me anything, although I did not make that clear before. He did finally send the item, postmared two days after I emailed him and told to him to keep the money & the item.

I don't owe him anything, other than the small benefit of the doubt that I gave him by not posting what he did two years ago.

There are always people who will defend others who do this stuff, and yet condemn the next guy for doing basically the same thing. Some in this thread do exactly that. It's funny really.
so he doesn't actually owe you anything. and you waited 2 years to throw it ontop of a dogpile.

you are one classy dude.

for the record: i'm not defending art. he did some people wrong and he knows it. i'm calling you out. i'm confronting you and asking you to apologize.
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