Ask Josh a Question

Josh, have you thought of making a larger blade? I think something like the Q would scale up very nicely to accommodate an 8” blade. I call dibs if you make a run of them.
I’ve placed that bug in his ear a number of years ago as well for a larger blade. 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Good call, K!
Probably answered elsewhere but I'm going to be 'that guy' and ask anyway; when will you open the books for sharpening services? I've got 2 CQC-7's and a ZT-0562BW that need some attention.
Sorry just saw this! I'm planning to as soon as I'm done with the Sparrow preorders... I don't want anything to distract me from those currently as I'm a little behind already.
Sorry just saw this! I'm planning to as soon as I'm done with the Sparrow preorders... I don't want anything to distract me from those currently as I'm a little behind already.
Just getting back around to this thread. I'll keep my eyes open and get them to you pronto.