Attachment issues

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I give Imgur limited access only. I select which photos Imgur has access to and those are the photos I upload and share here

Note that for whatever you upload to Imgur, your Copyright is gone.

„In particular, every image uploaded to Imgur is public – whether uploaded directly without going through a user account, or uploaded via a user account – and has its own URL. No matter what your privacy settings are, every image can always be accessed and viewed by anyone who types in that exact URL.
: : :
With regard to any file or content you upload to the public portions of our site, you grant Imgur a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable worldwide license (with sublicense and assignment rights) to use, to display online and in any present or future media, to create derivative works of, …“
I couldn't begin to guess how many hours I spent going through the various threads,alot of them beginning to end,and the only 2 pet peeves I have are the pictures without pattern or name,and reading a caption only to find the picture is gone.heres hoping relevant pictures stay,but what's relevant to me may not be to you.
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I did a pretty major purge myself and it took a while. Mostly cleaned up a LOT of old sales threads that weren’t really serving anyone anymore so no worries. Now I have plenty of space to use and will manage things going forward with a bit more diligence👍 I could cry about the work but it is what it is. We shall surely survive this 😎
I have no problem paying to be here.
But part of what I'm paying for is locked in threads that I cannot control.

If I let my membership lapse, those pictures will remain.
But if I continue to pay I cannot access all of what I'm paying for.

I routinely see pictures with no description, making the value of the picture worthless to anyone that would search for that pic by name. I've done it too.

Lets unlock some of the old locked threads and allow us to clean up our act, and post smaller images with descriptions of what we are posting. The argument of preserving historical value is pointless defending pictures with no labels.

We can help make it better given the opportunity.

And it's not only the Mods that can unlock these threads.
It can be done by the OP when they are the one that locked it!

View attachment 2530330

I am seeing this image popping up in threads now. Better scratch “postimage” off the list of options. (If you cannot see the image it is because I am going to delete it soon to free up precious space.)

This image was from a very interesting thread. I guess I should say would have been interesting if I could have seen the photographs. This is exactly the kind of member created content that we are here to see.

Buckibbq Buckibbq , I agree with you. Anyone who dared raise concern was called hysterical and full of panic. However, two weeks on, it seems clear that the only options for those who refuse to put up with the BS of third party hosting are posting less, deleting more, or moving on.
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I took a look at the Postimage option and was deluged by ads on the page which were strategically placed to be clicked on as you try to access the purpose of the site…photo hosting. I’ll stick with Imgur, for now…but hate the advertisement frame that it leaves around the photo when placed with my phone or iPad. There’s a work-around when you access Imgur from a computer, but I rarely post from my laptop. If I can’t post unlimited photos directly, I’ll be looking at moving along.
I took a look at the Postimage option and was deluged by ads on the page which were strategically placed to be clicked on as you try to access the purpose of the site…photo hosting. I’ll stick with Imgur, for now…but hate the advertisement frame that it leaves around the photo when placed with my phone or iPad. There’s a work-around when you access Imgur from a computer, but I rarely post from my laptop. If I can’t post unlimited photos directly, I’ll be looking at moving along.
Have you tried going to Imgur on your phone using a browser on 'desktop view'? It's a little awkward having to zoom in and scroll around, but I was able to get the BBCode last time I did.
I took a look at the Postimage option and was deluged by ads on the page which were strategically placed to be clicked on as you try to access the purpose of the site…photo hosting. I’ll stick with Imgur, for now…but hate the advertisement frame that it leaves around the photo when placed with my phone or iPad. There’s a work-around when you access Imgur from a computer, but I rarely post from my laptop. If I can’t post unlimited photos directly, I’ll be looking at moving along.
Sent you a pm Bryon.
Have you tried going to Imgur on your phone using a browser on 'desktop view'? It's a little awkward having to zoom in and scroll around, but I was able to get the BBCode last time I did.
I did try that using Safari and I still couldn’t access the BBCode link. I'll play around later when I’ve got time and a little more patience.
This is a bummer. I try to avoid image hosting sites because they are unreliable and often load very slowly.

Maybe a better option would be image compression? You can drastically reduce an images storage imprint without losing much quality.
This is a bummer. I try to avoid image hosting sites because they are unreliable and often load very slowly.

Maybe a better option would be image compression? You can drastically reduce an images storage imprint without losing much quality.
I agree.
But first I need to access my image quota that is held hostage in locked threads.
Have you tried going to Imgur on your phone using a browser on 'desktop view'? It's a little awkward having to zoom in and scroll around, but I was able to get the BBCode last time I did.
Blade forums will BB Code your image link for you if you just paste the url into the image like option from the pull down bar.
I am seeing this image popping up in threads now. Better scratch “postimage” off the list of options.

I took a look at the Postimage option and was deluged by ads

Postimages has been a snap for me. There are ads, but they don't get in my way on mobile or desktop, and it has not been down once for me since I started using it however many days ago.

Maybe this can help, I don't know.

it will on desktop setup, but currently won't on mobile......


It does. You have to tap the three vertical dots first.

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